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Loving coosigne, I being lykwayes informed that the report abouewrittine
twiching the land of Polloke, mentioned by Southbarre, is said to have beine
spoken in my presence at the place and tyme abouementionat, I doe declare
truebe and faithfuUie, as ane christiane goeing to death, that I nevir wes witnes
of any such discourse, or any thing lyike vnto it, nor nevir hard him speik any
thing to the advantage of the Vsurper, nor disadvantage of his Majestie ; and
thairfoir joynes in the same desire with Southbarre vnto yow, and restis,
Your loving coosigne and servand,
James Stewart of Caversbank.
Blakhall, 4 December 1660.
For my much respected coosigne, Christiswall.
James Viscount Drumlangrig to Sir George Maxwell of Pollok,
Sanchwhercastle, 23 February 1661.
298. Sir, wpon my petitioun to His Majestie's Comissioner and Parliament, it
pleased theme to give warand for citing such persones as were accessorie to the
barborous and vnworthie vsage my father receaved from Gilbert Ker and those
who were associat with him in anno 1650, by burnemg his gates, waisting his
groundis, and rwining his tennentis. And tho', amongst the rest, yow were
there, yet your intrest in my Lord Cancellor made me so tender of your con-
cernement, that I wold not bring your name in publict for so base ane act till
once I spoke with yowre selfe, and endevored ane amicable setelment with
yow. To which effect I have procured ane warand from my Lord Cancellor
(wherof receave ane double heir enclosed) for your comeing to Edinburgh, not-
withstanding of any proclamatioun to the contrare. The bearer will shew yow
the principal warand, but cannot leave it with yow, in regard it most be made
vse of to several! vthers, who vpoun that same acompt are to come to towne.
Sir, if you intend to take away this diference betuixt vs in ane freindlie way, I
shall expect to sie yow at Edinburghe betuixt and Seterday nixt, March 2.
But if agayne that tyme at fardest yow doe not come there to treat with me, I

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