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meitting betuixt my Lord and the Countess of Buccleuche's freindis att Edin-
burgh ; and therefor yow may not fail! to address yourself heir vpone Thursday
or Fryday the next week, the nynteen or tvventie dayes off March instant,
quher my Lord and I sail attend yow. All that yow will have to doe is to
receive their charge, and to appoynt a second dyet to answer to it ; so that
your stey hen neidis not to be above 48 houris. Wee dowbt not bot yow have
gone throw all your charter chist, and all the missive lettres therin, that yow
may bring with yow all yow find that concernes Buccleuch, and speciallie that
lettre vnder my Lord Abercorne's hand for cleiring of the 1500 pund wodset.
For that article of thair charg foundit vpon that wodset, in the yeir 1616, is the
maine article quherwith they intend to burding my Lord to exhaust the maillis
and dwetyes. Therefor yow most not faill to keep the day ; for they intend to
tak instrumentis against my Lord, therby to mak voyd the compt and reckone-
ing in my Lordis default. I sail be goeing throw the charter chist, God willing,
so that ther sail not be ane paper hi my chamber bot it salbe reviewed. I have
no mor to say for the present, bot my Lord and I sail attend yow, God willing,
att the dyot. So with my best respectis to yow and your lady,
I rest your loveing vncle to serve yow,
Me. Williame Maxwell.
Edinburgh, 14 March 1657.
For my honnorabill nephew, Sir George Maxwell of Nether Pollock.
[Memorandum by Sir George Maxwell,]
" Delivered 22 March (57) by William Carlill, servitor to my Lord Nidisdaill."
Mr. William Maxwell, Advocate, Edinburgh, to his nephew, Sir George
Maxwell of Pollok, 15th May 1657.
288. Honorable nephew, I receivet youris, and my Lord is so sensible off your
respectes and kyndnes in this so important a mater that concernes no lesse
then the standing and falling of bis familie, that treulie, nephew, I neid not to
expresse ; for I am confident that heirefter my Lord will reallie expresse the
same. Wee haive doone quhat wes possible in tryell of the rentall and publik

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