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thair will lykwyes cum, keving no vtker sheltir ; and this is thought maye be
bwrdensuni to this kingdome in mantening of xx thowsand men that will cum
affe and follow that armie. Mortoun, Roxbrwgh, Lanerk, Kinnowle, Carn-
wathe, Mawld, Haye, Levingstoun, and a number of all our Scottish ar cum ;
Mr. Maxwell daylie expectit. For our cuntrie men ar in great fear, and detest
thair aUedging we war the awthouris of all thair blood, which they ar onlie
thameselffis. Thus far for the present. Fair well.
Your humbill servand,
J. Maxwell.
Edinburgh, 17 May 1643.
To the right honorabill my loving cheiffe, Sir Johnn Maxwell of Pollok,
Knyght and Baronett.
Mr. William Maxwell, Advocate, to Sir John Maxwell of Pollok,
3d and 4th July 1643.
278. Rycht honorable cheiffe, your cause wes ressounet in presence of the haill
Lordis vpon that poynt, whither the ten thowsand pund, dew to your honouris
douchter, should be esteimet debt, quhairin the Lordis fand so great difficultie,
that they supersedit to geive ansuer. I haive been learning this day from tua
three of them, what the Lordis did inclyne to ; and treulie, gif the matter that
day had gone to voyceing, yow had cariet it. This wes signifiet to me be on
of the prymest ; and treulie it hes not been vrget since,
I wold hayve writtin oftiner, tuicheing newes, bot because then- is sik hold
laid vpon missive lettres now in thir tymes, that treulie I am loathe to wryt at
all. Killieling, my Lordis serveand, eftir examination, is releiset vpon caution,
but Broomholme remaynes still in waird. As for my Lord Nithisdaill, then is
na word at all quhair he is, or quhat he myndis to doe. The dayes of his com
peirence ar rynning on. Their ar surmeises of many victories obtenit be the
King, and some affirmes it of the Parliament, bot no certaintie. Everie on
speikes as he affectis, bot the most report holdis for the Kinge, that he hes the
bettir. Their ar incursiones maid vpon our shippes and boattis daylie hen by
pyrottis, to whiche the Counsell myndis to provyd remeid. The sex noblemen
ar referret to a committe, quhilk is bot as yeit to entir vpon the tryell of them.

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