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losse, to all our greifes. I haue written to his Lordshipp a teadiouse longe
letter, with ane ample accompte of the successe of my voyage, presumeing it
will bee acceptable vnto him. If it proues otherwise, I shall bee the vnwillinger
hereafter in the like kind to trouble his Lordshipp. But God knowes my harte
and my desire to pleasure and . serue him. By his letters, which I know hee
will imparte vnto you, you shall know as passages hath gone with me, and my
reasouns for that voyage. But for your priuate recreation, and your owne
better satisfaction, I haue caused take some paines to translate theise things
out of Latine into English, what I sent my Lord being all in Latine, hopeing
he shall haue Sir WiUiam to ioyne with him in the readeing of them. Soe,
much longeing to heare from you, and your vertuouse noble ladye, presenting
my service to you both, wishing vs a more ioyfull happy meeteing then our last
parteing did produce, in which hopes I take leaue and rest, as I shall euer
Your constant loueing kinseman and servant,
S. Fred. Hamiltoune.
Elshennure, the first Aprill 1638.
To my much honored noble freind and kinseman,
Sir John Maxefeild of Neather Polke, Knight.
28th May 1638.
Louing cusin, my Lord Marquese of Hamiltoun being to cum to Scotland the
fyft dey of June, wher I hope, by his Lordship's care, all thir trubillis uhich ar
so thetned sail be remoued in a cahne wey. Thar is na good subiect in my mynd
uha will nocht giue all respect and honer due to his place. I haue cummandit all
my freends in the south to attend liis Lordship, with my Lord Herreis. Since
I am nocht to be at home my selfe, uher I sheuld gladlie haue beene, if my pre-
sence could haue serued to anie steed, or if a papist myght bot haue had good
acceptance from the great rulers of that state for the present. I pry God grant
matters mey be quyeted in a calme wey, uhich I mak na doubt my Lord
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