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on the shreffs. I feir your ministers of Eastwood's instmctiouns doe not cleir
the compt, for he hes no send his assignatioun. Bot if he can gett it, send it
heir. So "with my service to the ladie, I rest
Zours to serve yow,
S. W. Cochrane.
Edinburgh, 29 Junij 1636.
Ther is ane extraordinar evill crope throw this haill cuntrie, for laik of
rains. It is reported that the lyk feir is throw all Inglande.
To the rycht honorabill the Laird off Nether Polloke, — These.
Sir Alexander Hamilton, fifth son of James first Earl of Abercorne,
to Sir Johne Maxwell of Pollok, 28th October 1636.
258. Honorable cousine, the caus of my being soe long off presenting my service to
my Lord, my brother, and to your honour's selff, whome I esteim as my dearest
freind, wes the incressing of the seiknes at London, which med the post that
gois from Suffolk to be dischired from going thence. I hop this wilbe a suffi-
sient excowes for my long silence. I have wrytin 3 leteres to the granter since
my brother Sir George went from this cuntrie. I most confese the beireres of
my leteres wes wnknone to me, they being straingeres ; yit I knoe be a leter
that I had from James Nesmith that the granter had my first leter that I wret
to him, which wes a relatioune what had past betuixt my brother Sir George
and my Lord Strabane and me. The last tu I wret, it wold be tedious to ex-
pres all that wes in them ; yit I have in breif exprest the substance of them
both to the granter. I have desyred him to shoe your honour my leter that I
wryt at this tym, and I doe humble crave your counsel! in this purpose, that
ye will give it to the granter as if I wer ther my self.
My faither-in-law and I hes done nothing as yit : he desyres that I may
have a litill patience till my wyfes wnkill and he meit togither. And whither
Mr. Foskew hir wnk ill taik anie coures with my father-in-law or not, he hes
promissit, wpon Mr. Foskewe's ansuer, that he will perform quhat he promissit

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