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huonor to hold mie excuisit off the wirth of it, for off a trouth at thes ocatione
I can heff nothing that I can ofir in one takine off lowe to your hounnor, becauis
off the wiris ; and now, presit bie God, wie heff thes wiek pice, for sertantie : it
is proclamit hir in the toune off Daniskeine, and the King being [in] the toune
in the myne tynie. Not troubling zour hounor fairder, bot commitis zow and
all zour afairis to the protectione of the Almychtie Lord God, I rest,
Zouris most humille cussing to bie commandit,
Gabriell Mexweill.
Daniskine, the last of August 1635.
To the richt honorabill Sir Johne Mexwell off Polek, Knicht, —
Thes bie delyvirit in hand, — Thes.
[Sir John] Maxwell of Conhaith to Sir John Maxwell of Pollok,
1st November 1635.
255. Werie honorable and speciall freind, I receaued zour lettre, whairby I perceaue
ze receaued ane ansuere of ane lettre of zouris directed to the Earle of Nithis-
daill of ane long tyme past, whairin he promises to take order with zour byrun
annuellis at his Lordshipis comming owt of Ireland. And now seing that it hes
pleased God that he is saflie returned bothe from Ireland and Ingland, ze will
me earnestlie to entreat with his Lordship that ane place may be appointtitt
about Mertinmes nixt, whair ze may receaue zour byrun annuellis, because ze
may continow no longer, in respect that these whom to ze are adebtted will
delay zow no longer. The estate of my Lordis affairis concerning these moneyis
he sould haue owt of Ireland, is ten thousan pund sterling, quhilk will not be
had before Candlemes. His Lordship will be forced to giue the on halfe thairof
to the Earle of Annandaill for dissoluing of the matche betuixt his Lordshipis
sone and the Earle of Annandaillis dauchter. The vther halfe thairof is to be
giuen to the toune of Edinburgh, the land of Catherwood, and the airis of
vmquhill Sir George Elphinston. So ze neid nott think that my Lord is able
to furnishe moneyis at this terme, for the great charges his Lordship hes bein at
this zeir and ane halfe, bothe in Ireland and at Court, will take up most part

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