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merkis for the lorclis in all tyme heireftir, that they may leive on the annual-
rent of xx m merkis, addit to quhat ellis they haiue besyd, in respect of than
great panis and Litill mantinance formerlie grantit, This went not away with-
out great strokis, and wes thought not to be grantit. Twelff pennies of the
pund that the persewar pay not, bot let them seik it off the defender, the lordis
them selfis. This wold totallie haiue past, wer not the chaneeller thot it ovir
gud ane act to be tain away for the defenderis of wilfull pley. Lowcloun heirin
allegit the extent of the west wes higher nor the rest of the kingdome, and
wold haiue had paynis that taxatioun, acoirding to the worth, and not the
extent. The King lies maid dissolutioun in parliament of the two abbacies of
Newabbay and Halyruidhous, that he may do with them as he thinkis gud.
Act is maid and declaret be the King that the annwitie sail nawayes be
declaret to be vneit to the prroppixtie of the croun as caswalitie belonging
thairto, quhill his farder pleasour had and advysment thairin.
Act quhairby Frances Stewart is rehabilitat, and sa may stand and persew
or defend in judgment. Actis in favouris of Eoxbrugh and Bacleugh, and pro-
testatiounes be Marqueis, Caldirwod and vtheris.
Act of ratificatioun of the sextein yeiris impost of wynis in favouris of the
Marqueis of Hamiltoun. Sindrie vtheris ratificatiounes in favouris of privat
persounes, not necessar hen to insert.
Act of ratificatioun of the Act of Prescriptioun.
Act in favouris of the College of Glasgo, that no valuatioun be maid of
thair landis, and quhat wes valuet anullit. No valuatioun of church landis and
benefeicis, nethir dilapidatioun can be gevin or takin thairof, nor diminutioun
of the same. Eatificatioun of the colledge rightis, and protestatioun maid
against be the Duk of Lennox and the toun of Glasgo.
Act, that na hnmediat vassall to the King holding waird may heireftir sett
landis in few ferme without the King's consent, which they mycht haiue done
of befoir. The reasoun this wes sought, that the King sould be in no wors cais
nor any vthir superior of ward landis.
Spyuie desyrit his gift as Generall Mustir Maistir to be ratifiet, and with
all allowance for his chairge as the counsell thot fitt. This wes opposit,
and thot nevir to be grantit ; yit being voittit quithir it sould be remittit
to the Counsell or not, wes voycit to be remittit to the Counsell : And sa think

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