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Mr self to me. I did send for this gentilman and his wyffe. He lies that
honour to be zonr worship's purr cwsing. Bot quhen they saw hir hand, thay
durst not wndertak the cuir, becaus hir haul arme evin to the schoulder was
fylit with putrifiet wennum. I wrgit thahn to tak it in hand, for thay have
skill, and I promeisit to get thaim the asistance of the best skilit in the toun ;
for the quilk William Maxwell and the patient, his wyffe, promeisit and gave
thair handis to give satisfactione at the will and desyre of this gentilman and
his wyffe ; for it was thocht that scho behuifit to loos the hand. Zit, sir,
thay gat the assistance and directione of all the doctouris and chyrurgianis in
this toun, both by giving potionis and plasteris, that it was werie chairgabill to
thaim. Thay sweare that, by and attour than painis, it stood thaim above
fourtie markis, and it pleisit G-od thay cuirit hir within xx dayis. Now, sir,
thay refuis to satisfie, and wald give littill or nathing. Thairfor, sir, out of the
confidence of zowr favour, I man be bold to requeist zowr honour to hen the
gentilman, quha hes, mair for my earnist desyre nor for the expectatione of
grit proffeit, cuirit the woman ; for thay wald have persewit it vtherwayis,
bot becaus I had ane hand in it. I have taine the boldnes to requeist zour
honour heirin, assuiring zow I sail ever be,
Zour honouris affectionat cwsing and humbill servand,
Me. J. Dunlop.
Glasgow, 24 Maij 1633.
To the richt honorabill the Laird of Nathir Pollok, — Ar thes.
Alexander second Earl of Linlithgow, and the Lords Carnegy and
Traquaire, to Sir John Maxwell of Pollok, 29th May 1633.
226. Six, the Duik of Lennox is to be in Scotland with his Maiestie, and expectis
to be met and attendit be his freindis hen, as his laite vncle, Lodovick, vseit
to be at suche tymes as thir ; and becaus he is not acquainted with his freindis
as zit, bot cometh doun to attend his Maiestie, and mak hiniselff knawen to
thanie, he heath willed ws to write to his freindis in his name, that they wald
be pleased to be present at Edinburgh in suche gud ordour, and with suche

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