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4 ROYAL LETTERS. [1568-93.
in the saidis hoistis, raidis, and weyris, suffieientlie furneist as effeiris. Subscriuit
be oure said darrest Kegent, and gevin vnder oure signett, at Edinburgh the
nynt day of September the yeir of God i"? v° lxviii yeiris, and of oure regnne
the secund yeir.
James Regent.
King James vi. to Sir John Maxwell of Pollok, 13th August 1590.
Richt traist freind, we greit yow herthe wele. The queue, oure wyffe, now
haifing a desyre, at sumtymes, to visite the cuntrie, and hairing sum ma cum-
panye of ladyes and gentlewemen nor of befoir, we can not bot see thame
convenientlie provydit of halknayis, quliilkis can not weill be had, otherwyis
then be the gudewill of sick personis as we vnderstand to [be] best affectionate
vnto ws baith. In quhilk nowmer speciahe estennng youre selff, we haif thair-
forr taken occasioun to put yow to this charge, and will effecteuslie desyre yow,
that ye will present oure wyffe with ane gude and propre halknay, and send
him with ane of your awin to Dunfermling vpoun the xxij day of August
instant, quhair we sail haue hh* maister of stable attending reddy to ressaue
him, as in this, amangis sindrie vtheris pruifns of your thankfulnes, we may
haif occasioun to acknawlege the continewance of your gude will and reddines
to plesour ws. Sa we commit yow in the protectioun of God. At Falkland
the xiii day of August 1590.
To our rycht traist freind the Laird of Pollok.
The Same to the Same, 1st June 1593.
6. Richt traist freind, we grit yow hairtlie weill. Haueing deliberat that oure
Parliament sail proceid, God willing, at the first day of Junij nixt to cum, and

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