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a.d. 1553-1557.] THE GUID AND TREW CHIEF. 173
protector, and becoming that nobleman's vassal and tenant ever afterwards.
This was the last of " Neil " Stewart after the sacking of Castle Menzies, but
on his son coming into the property, the following action was taken : —
" ! 553- Summons of reduction in the name of Queen Mary, given under
the signet, at Edinburgh, the 18th of September 1553, at the instance of
Robert Menzeis of that Ilk, Knight, son and heir to the deceased Robert
Menzeis of that Ilk, Knight, against John, Earl of Athole, grandson and heir to
the deceased John, Earl of Athole, and Stewart, eldest son and heir to
the deceased Neill Stewart of Forthergill, for reducing and annulling the
infeftments of lands of the barony of Forthirgill granted by the deceased Neill
Stewart to the said deceased John, Earl of Athole, and in fraud, hurt, and
prejudice of the said late Robert Menzeis, and the said Sir Robert, his son and
his heir, because the late Sir Robert had, on the 15th of Mar. 1504, or thereabout,
obtained a decreet of the Lords of Council against the said Neill Stewart for
200 lib. Scots, ' for byrining and destroying of his ' Castle and ' place of Weyme,'
and divers other sums ' for spoliatioun, away-taking and withholding of his
insicht, victualis, and vtheris, his geir,' extending in all to 3000 merks ; which
decreet had been transferred to the said Sir Robert ' Meingeis,' as heir to his
father, in March 1533 ; and because the said infeftments had been granted
fraudulently, to prevent apprysing of the lands belonging to Stewart, at the
instance of Sir Robert Menzeis, and thus frustrate him in payment of his
claims." — Charter Room, Castle Menzies, No. 201.
This shows that the Earls of Athole were also in league with the Stewarts,
by which they had for so many years escaped the action of the law, owing to
the minorities of James V. and Mary. Sir Robert, by right of male inheritance,
was the rightful owner of Garth and the whole of the barony and parish of
Fortingall ; and also by decree of damages for 3000 merks, which the Stewarts
had failed to pay, he was entitled to possess these lands as the value of that sum.
The Earl of Athole, however, by his fraudulent dealing, held them up to this time.
Sir Robert the Menzies, Knight of Menzies, after a long and honourable
life, through times almost the worst in which the Highlands of Scotland had
ever passed, seems to have died about the year 1557. By his first wife, Lady
Christian Gordon, daughter of the Earl of Huntly, he had Sir Alexander the
Menzies, his successor. By his second wife, Lady Marion Campbell, daughter
of the Earl of Argyle, he is thought to have had a second son, Fergus Menzies.
Sir Robert must have been born about 1475, and on his death in 1557 he
would therefore be about 82 years of age. He left —
1st. Sir Alexander the Menzies, Knight, his successor, who, during his
father's lifetime, was surnamed " The Baron of Rannoch."

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