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xxvj s. viij d. ; a thousand sheep, ewes, and wedders, price of the piece o'erhead, iiij s. :
which goods, corn, and cattle pertained to the said deceased John Grant and his
servants, and were spoiled from him out of the said house and lands by the said
persons and their complices at the feast of Allhallowmas, or near thereby, in the
year 1513: And also in the wrongous occupation, manuring, and laboring of the
said lands, and intromitting with the profits that he might have had of the
same, for three years thereafter, extending yearly in free goods, the expenses
made upon the labouring being deducted to iij c bolls of beir, ij c bolls of oats,
with the grass and pasture of vj e kine and oxen, a thousand sheep and goats, ij horses
and mares, ij swine, price of each " swynnis " grass yearly xviij d., and maills, carriage
service, profits and duties of the said lands and lordship of Vrquhart, extending in all
for the space of three years to yj score merks in money, xj score bolls victual, beir
and meal, price of the boll viij s., as was contained at more length in the summons
made thereupon, and therefore should content and pay to the said John Grant of
Freuchy the sum of ij m It. money of the realm, the " skaith " having been referred
to his oath, who made faith that his losses extended to the said sum " with the
mair," as at more length was contained in the said decreet, — which decreet the Queen
and Lords of Council have transferred, and hereby transfer, in and upon Margaret
His, one of the two sisters and heirs of the said deceased Donald His, Thomas Dinwell
of Kildune, son and heir of the late Jonet His, his other sister and heir of the said
late Donald and successor to him, and in and upon the said Donald M c Alister for
himself, and as heir to the said late More Euene Ewin in Pontait, his mother, and
on Alexander, John M c Alister's son, William Chesholme, and Donald M c Gilaspy,
passive, on the one part, and James Grant of Frewchy, son, heir, and executor of his
father, the said deceased John Grant of Freuchy, active, on the other part, in order
that letters be directed at the instance of the said James Grant, for apprising the lands
and goods of the said Margaret and Thomas, as heirs and successors aforesaid, and
the remanent persons above written. Whereupon the Queen charges her sheriffs
in that part to " compell, poynd, and distrenze " the said persons, their lands, and
" mak penny of thair reddiest gudis," and failing of moveable goods, to apprise their
lands, after the form of the Act of Parliament, to the value of the said goods, sums
of money and profits above written, and make the said James Grant be fully paid
thereof, after the form of the said decreet and transferring. Given under the signet
at Edinburgh, 6th May, seventh year of the Queen's reign [1549].
298. Positions on which the parties, principal, defender, and witnesses ought to be
examined on oath, in a certain case of appeal by George Grant and John Grant
of Balindolowche his father, governor and curator, appellants, against Patrick Grant

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