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awin for the fischeingis of Cathillis and Kilburnes of the crope and zeir of God j m v c lxxxiiij
zeiris, the sowme of Ix lib. money. Item, mair ane barrell of salmond, full reid and sueit,
price thairof, xx lib. money.
Summa of the dettis awin to the deid, . . xxij m iiij c xiiij lib. vj s. viij d.
Summa of the inuentar with the dettis, . . xlvij m viij c vj lib. xvj s. viij d.
Followis the dettis awin be the deid.
Item, thair was awiii be the said vmquhile Johne Grant of Fruquhy, to his servandis
for thair half zeiris feis and bountethis, the sowme of lix H. vj s. viij d. money, quhairof the
particular followis ; that is to say, to Johne Grant the sowme of x lib. ; to M r William
M c Gregour the sowme of vj lib. xiij s. iiij d. ; to Dauid Clwnie the sowme of vj lib. xiij s.
iiij d. ; to Hary Gray the sowme of vj lib. xiij s. iiij d. ; to Thomas Scotland the sowme of
sax lib. xiij s. iiij d. Item, to Alexander Andersone the sowme of v lib. Item, to Dauid
Palmer the sowme of v lib. Item, awin to William Bane the sowme of xxxiij s. iiij d. Item,
to Dauid Gormak, portar, the sowme of xxxiij s. iiij d. Item, awin to Helene Aitkbe the
sowme of Iiij s. iiij d. ; to Andro Bobertsoune the sowme of iij lib. vi s. viij d. ; and to
Alexander Middiltoun for his half zeiris fie and bounteth the sowme of iij tt. vj s. viij d.
Item, awin to the Chancellar of Murray for the teindis of Knokendoch, Vrquhart,
and Glenmoristoun, of the crope and zeir of God j m v c lxxxiiij zeiris, the sowme of
lxvj lib. xiij s. iiij d. Item, awin to Mr. Alexander Ogilwie, persone of Douthall, for the
teind siluer of the parrochine of Duthall of the crope and zeir of God j m v c lxxxiiij
zeiris, the sowme of 1 lib. money. Item, awin to Mr. Thomas Oistiane, persone, Cromdaill and
Adwey, for the teind siluer thairof, of the crope and zeir of God j m v c lxxxiiij zeiris, the sowme
of xl lib. money. Item, awin to Mr. William Carnagy, for the vicarage teindis of Abirnathie,
of the crope and zeir of God j m v c lxxxiiij zeiris, the sowme of xiij lib. vj s. viij d. Item, awin
to the bischope of Murray for the few maillis of the landis haldin of him of the barroneyis
of Straspay and Laggane, of the crope and zeir of God j m v c lxxxv zeiris, the sowme of ij c lib.
money. Item, awin to the Kingis his Maiestie, for the few maillis of the landis of Vrquhart
and Glencairney, of the crope and zeir of God j m v c lxxxv zeiris, the sowme of j c lxxij lib.
money. Item, awin to S r Alexander and S r W m Douglassis chaiplanes, for the few maillis
of Knokendoch and Bordland, of the crope and zeir of God j m v c lxxxv zeiris, the sowme of
xx H. money.
Summa of the dettis awin be the deid, . . . vj c xxj It. vj s. viij d.
Bestis of frie geir the dettis deducit, . . . xlvij m j c lxxxv tt. x s.
To be deuidit in tua partis, the deidis pairt is, . . xxiij m v°lxxxxij 11. xv s.
Quhairof the quot is componit for v c merkis money.

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