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234. Gift by King James the Fourth to John Grant of Freuchie, of the Ward and
Non-entries of the lands of Auchnarrows, etc. 2d December 1508.
James, be the grace of God, King of Scottis, to all and sindry oure liegis and subditis
quham it efferis quhais knaulage thir oure lettres sal cum, greting : Wit ze ws to haue gevin
and grantit, and be thir oure lettres gevis and grantis, to oure louit Johne Grant of Frewchy
and his assignays, the warde of the landis of twa Auchnarrowis, Dovnane, and the Port,
with the pertinencis, extending in the hale to fyftene merkis worth of land, Hand within our
sherefdome of Inuernys, quhilkis pertenit to vmquhile Patrik Eeoch of Auchnarrowis, and
now throw his decess being in our handis be resoun of warde, with all malis and proffitis of
the samyn, of all termes bigane and to cum during the tyme of the warde of the said landis,
and ay and quhill the lauchfull entre of the richtwis ayr or ayris thareto, and als the
mariage of Eeoch, the son and ayr of the said vmquhile Patrik Eeoch, and
falzeing of him be decess vnmaryit, the mariage of ony vther ayr or ayris of the said vmquhile
Patrik that sail happin to succede to him in his heritage, with all proffitis of the said
mariage : To be haldiu and to be had the warde and nonentreis of the said landis, with the
pertinencis, malis, and proffitis thareof for the tyme foresaid, togidder with the said mariage,
to the said Johne and his assignays, with all and sindry fredomes, commoditeis, proffitis,
esmentis, and richtwis pertinencis pertenyng or richtwisly may pertene to the samyn, with
power frely to dispone apon the said mariage, and apon the warde and nonentreis of the
said landis, with the pertinentis, and to occupy the samyn with thare avne gudis, or to set
thaim to tenentis, as thai think maist expedient, during the tyme abone writtin : Quharefor
we charge strately and commandis zow, all and sindry our liegis and subditis quham it efferis
or may effere, that naue of zow tak apon hand to mak ony impediment, lat, or distrublance
to the said Johne or his assignays in the peceable bruking, joising, and disponyng apon the
warde, nonentreis, and mariage foresaid, with all proffitis and pertinencis thareof, as is abone
writtin, vndir all the hiest pane and charge that efter may folow. Gevin vndir our priue
sele at Edinburgh, the secund day of December, the zere of God j m v c viii zeris, and of our
regne the xxi zere.
Per signaturam manu supremi domini nostri Eegis subscriptam, etc.
A. Scott.
235. Notarial Instrument on behalf of James Grant of Freuchie demanding relief from
James Earl of Murray respecting the feu-duties of Glencarnie. 28th March 1530.
In Dei nomine amen : Per hoc presens publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat euidenter et
sit notum quod anno incamacionis Dominice millesimo quingentesimo trecesimo die vero
mensis Marcii vigesimo octauo, indictione tercia, pontificatus sanctissimi in Cristo patris et

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