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207. Testament of Dame Lilias Murray, relict of John Grant of Freuchie.
30th December 1643.
The testament testamentar, letter will, and legacie of me, Dame Lilias Morray,
relict of wmquhill Johne Grant of Frewquhy, maid and given wp be my awine
mouth, at Ballachastell, the penult day of December, the zeir of God j m vj c fourtie
thrie zeires, befoir the witnessis efterspecifeit.
In the first, I, the said Dame Lilias Morray, being seik in bodie bot haill in mynd and
perfyit in memorie (Hissed be God), knawing nathing moir certaine then death, and nothing
moir wncertaine than the tyme and hour thairof, I leave my soull to the great God Almightie,
maker of heawin and earth, and ordaines my bodie to be buried in the yland of the kirk of
Duthell, besyid my said wmquhill husband in the buriall place apperteining to [the hous of]
Grant, in hoip of my resurrectioun to lyiff eternall. Item, I leave, nominat, constitut and
ordaine James Grant of Frewquhy, my oy, my executour, donatour, and . . . haill and
vniversall intromettour with my rentis, guides and gear, to [his awine] vse, behuiff, vtilitie and
profeitt ; with power to him to vse and dispone thairwpoun as his awine proper guides and
gear, he payand my debtis, and the soume of ane hundreth pundis money of this realme, to
Dame Lilias Grant, spouse to Sir Walter Innes of Balvenie, my lawfull daughter. In witnes
of the whilk thing, I haif subscrywit thir presentis with my hand, day, moneth, zeir of God,
and place abonewreattin (wreattin be Johne Donaldsone, notar publick), befoir thir witnessis,
Johne Grant, sumetyme of Dandeleith, M r Johne Grant, servitour to the said James Grant of
Frewquhy, and the said Johne Donaldsone, wreatter heirof.
Jo. Grant, witnes, present. Lilis Muray.
M. J. Grant, witnes.
Jo. Donaldsone, wreatter and witnes.
208. Commission by James Earl of Murray, appointing his brother-in-law, James Grant
of Freuchie, a lieutenant-colonel in his regiment. 1st April 1644.
Wee, James Earle of Morray, Lord Downe and Aberneathie, etc., colonell of the Morray
regiment both of horses and foote companies, to haif maid, constitute and ordaineit, lyikas
wee be thir presentis mak, constitut, and ordaine the right honorable James Grant of
Freuquhy, our brother in law, our leivetenent colonell of and in our said regiment ; and
giwes and grantis to him the office and place of our leivetenendrie in our said regiment, with
all honoures, dignities, priviledgis, immunities, lies, casualties, profeittis, and all wtheris
thingis quhatsumewir apperteining and belanging, or that is knowin to apperteine and belang,
to the said office and place ; with full power, licence, and libertie to the said James Grant

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