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contractit, concordit and finallie agreit betuix the rycht honorabill pairteis wnderwreattin,
thay ar to say, Johne Grant of Freuquhye, for himself and takand the burding in and vpoun
bim for his haill kin, freindis, dependaris, partakeris, assistaris, mentenentis and servandis,
quhom he mey stop or latt, on that ane pairt, and Alexander Dunbar of Westfeild, scheref
of Morray, and the gentilmen of his name of Dunbar wndersubscryweand, for thameselfis,
and takand the burding in and vpoun thame for thair haill kin, freindis, dependaris, par-
takeris, assistaris, mentenentis and servandis, quhom they mey stop or latt, on that wther
pairt, in maner following : That is to say, forsamekill as thair hes bene diuers and sindrie
auld bandis and leagueis of freindschipe maid and endit betuix the saidis pairteis, thair
antecessouris and forbearis, for keiping and interteneying of freindschipe, amitie, guid
neychbourheid and peace within thair boundis, countreyis and possessiounis ; and the
saidis pairteis, be speeiall aduyse and mature deliberatioun, and consent of thair kin and
maist speeiall freindis, meaning and willing to keip and interteney mutuall freindschipe and
amitie betuix thame, their kin and freindis, and to renew, reforme and reiterat the auncient
bandis and leagueis maid and agreit vpoun befoir betuix thair predicessouris, for preserva-
tioun of the inuiolabill peace betuix thameselfis, thair kin, freindis, tenentis, assistaris and
dependaris ; and for incresce and augmentatioun of welth and policie to thameselfis and thair
forsaidis, be the fayth and treuth of thair bodieis, as euerie ane of thame will ansuer to God,
and be thir presentis, faythfullie bindis and obleissis thame and thair airis succedand to thair
houssis, landis and leweingis, mutuallie to wtheris, to plane trew and efauld pairt tak with
wtheris, manteine, assist and defend ilkane wtheris, and ilk ane of thame to gif to wtheris
thair best and honestest consaill and aduyse in ilkane of thair honest and lesum bissines and
adoeis, actiounis, questiounis and querrellis quhatsumeuir, — exceptand his Maiestie, his
Hienes successouris, the marques of Huntlie and his successouris, and the personeis wnder-
wreattin, they ar to say, for the said Johne Grant of Freuquhye and his airis, Sir Johne
Morray of Tullibarne, knycht, and his airis, and for the said Alexander Dunbar of Westfeild
and his airis, Alexander lord of Fywie, president of his Hienes Colledge of Justice, and his
airis allanerlie ; — wnder the paneis of periurie, infamie, violatioun and brek of fayth, honour
and treuth, for euir : And in case it sail happin (as God forbid it do) ony offence or iniurie
to be committit and done be ony of the saidis cheiffis to wtheris, in that case the samen to
be adiudgeit and tryit be tua, for euer ilk ane of thame, of thair kin and surname maist
wnsuspect and best liueand, at quhais arbitriment and decreit the saidis parteis obleissis thame
and thair forsaidis to stand, abyd at, wnderlye and fulfill in all partis, but appellatioun or
reclamatioun thairfra : And in case ony of thair freindis or thair forsaidis happin to offend
or iniure wtheris, in that case the samen to be tryit and adiugeit be the saidis Johne and
Alexander thair saidis cheiffis, at quhais decreit the parteis offendand sail stand and amend
to the partie offendit according to thair discretioun and iudgement in ane voce but appella-
tioun thairfra, as said is ; sua that no occasioun or caus of ony elist or questioun mey or

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