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hes subscryvit thir presentis with thair [handis], day, zeir and place forsaidis ; befor tliir
vitnes, Alexander Fraser in Farnell, Huohen Fraser of Erchett, James Grant in Aviemoir,
James Grant of Auchernett, and M r William Gregour wrettar heirof.
Symon Lorde Fraser of Louat.
172. Contract between John Grant of Freuchie and Donald M° Angus of Glengarrie.
19th April 1600.
At Elgyne, the nyntene day of Aprill, the zeir of God ane thowsand and sex hundreth
zeiris, it is appoyntit, contracttit, faythfullie oblest and fmallie endit and agreit betuix
the rycht [honorabillj Johne Grant of Frequhye, on that ane pairt, and Donald M c Angus
of Glengarrie, on that vther pairt, obleissing thame, thair airis, assignayis and successouris
to thair landis and heretageis, to observe, keip and fulfill the haill headis, poyntis, claussis,
articleis and conditiounis of this present contract, ather to vtheris, in maner following :
That is to say, forsamekill as the said Johne Grant of Freuquhye, be ane vther contract
and infeftment following thairwpoun, hes sauld, disponit, annaleit, and set in few ferme
to the said Donald, his airis maill and assignayis, all and haill the castell, fortalice and
maneir place of Strome, and the thrattene merk landis of Kysryne, with the vniuersall
pertinentis thairof vseit and wont, lyand within the erldome of Eos and schirefdom of
Inuernes ; as alsua all and haill the towneis, landis, scheallingis and vtheris eftir mentionat,
to witt, Achenadariche and Lunde, estimat of auld extent to tua merk land ; Fairnamoir,
estimat to tua merk land ; Culuoyr and Achemoir, estimat to tua merk land of auld extent ;
Foirneagiveg, Findanamure, and Acheache, to tua merk land ; Achechoynleth and Brayem-
troye to tua merk land ; Culchnok, Achenacloyche, Blargarwe and Acheas, to tua merk
land ; Atomernis and Vochterorye, to tua merk land, lyand within the lordschipe of Loch-
ailche ; as lykueyis in Strome in Carranach, extending to tuentie schilling land ; Slomba,
estimat to tuentie schilling land ; the quarter of Down, to ten schilling land ; Achinche, with
the thrie quarteris, estimat to thrattie schilling land of auld extent, lyand within the
lordschipe of Locharroun and schirefdome forsaid ; — as the saidis contract and infeftment, of
the dait of thir presentis, at mair lenth proportis : Thairfoir, and for the band of mantenance
vndirwreattin, the said Donald be thir presentis, for him, his airis and successouris to his
landis and heretageis, and assignayis, faythfullie promittis be the fayth and treuth in his
bodie, and be the tenour heirof bindis and obleissis him, his airis, assignayis and succes-
souris, that he and they sail, in all tyme cuming, be thame selfis, thair mentenentis, servandis,
pairtakeris and dependarris (quha accompaneis thame in oisting and hunting), serve, honour,
assist, defend, plane and efauld pairt tak with the said Johne, his airis, successouris and
placehaldaris of the hous of Grant, in all and quhatsumeuir his and thair honest and lesum
adoeis, actiounis and querrellis, contrair all mortall (the auctoritie onlie exceptit) : Lyk as

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