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eorumque aliquem in aliquibus suis terris aut dominiis, sub dicta pena ; et generaliter cum
potestate dictis nostris commissionariis eorumque deputatis omnia alia et singula faciendi,
dicendi, gerendi et exercendi, que in preniissis et circa ea necessaria fuerint seu quomodo-
libet opportuna. Datum sub testimonio nostri magni sigilli, apud Halyrudehous, vicesimo
septimo die mensis Marcii, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octuagesimo octauo, et
regni nostri vicesimo primo.
Per signaturam manu S. D. N. Eegis subscriptam.
154. Contract between John Grant of Freucliie and Christian Grant and Finlay
Farquharson of Aucbareachan, her spouse. September 1588.
At the day of September, the zeir of God ane thousand fiwe hundreth and
four scoir and aucht zeiris, it is appoyntit, aggreit and finalie endit betuix ane honorabill
man, Johne Grant of Fruquhye, with consent and assent of Patrik Grant of Eathymvrchus,
Johne Grant of Kinveachie, and James Grant of Auchernett, his curatouris, for thair entres,
on the ane part, and Cristan Grant, relict of wmquhill Duncan Grant in Vestir Camedall, and
Findlay Farquharson of Aucbareachan now hir spous, for his entres, on the wther part, in
maner, form, and effect eftir following : That is to say, the saidis Cristan and Findlay
grantis and confessis be the tenour heirof, tham selfis, thair seruaudis, fameley, cottaris,
guidis and geir, lauchfullie and ordourlie flittit and remowit fra the town and landis of Vestir
Camedall, with the pertinentis and pendiculis thairof, Hand within the lordschipe of Stradown
and schirefdom of Banff, to be paciablie bruikit, iosit, sett, vsit, occupeit, and disponit be the
said Johne Grant of Fruquhye, his subtenentis and seruandis in bis nam, fra thynfurth, as
he and thai sail think expedient ; and thairfoir hes exonerit and dischargit, lyk as be the
tenour of thir presentis exoneris and dischargis the said Johne Grant, his airis, executouris,
assignais, tenentis and occupieris quhasumewir, of all action or actionis of eiection, spulzie,
intrusion or . . . lence, persewit or intentit, or that ma be persewit or intentit, at the
instance of the saidis Cristan and Findlay, or ony wtheris in thair nameis, be thair rycht or
titill aganes the said Johne Grant, bis curatouris, tenentis and seruandis quhatsumewir, for
ony intromission, occupeing or laboring of the saidis landis of Camedall, with the jjertinentis,
in ony tynie bygane or to cum : For the quhilk cans and wther rasonable causis mowing the
said Johne Grant and his saidis curatouris heirto, the said Johne Grant, with consent and
assent of his saidis curatouris, is bound and oblist, and be the tenour heirof bindis and
oblissis him, his airis and assignais, to fortifie, assist and mantene the saidis Cristan and
Findlay in persewing, ingetting and obteiryng fra quhatsumewir person or personis, all
guidis, geir, wrettis, contractis, euidentis, chartouris and sasingis perten}Tig to the said
Cristan Grant, and quhairby scho hes or ma haif rycht or titill to ony landis in vedsett,
heretage or terce, throw the deceis of the said wmquhill Duncan Grant : And siclek,

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