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at the making heirof is wythin minoritie and nocht of perfyt aige of tuentie ane zeiris, and
that thairfor the infeftment of the foirsaidis landis now to be maid be him in his minoritie
can nocht be to the said Lauchlane and his airis so sufficient ane infeftment as neid requyris,
quhilk may be greit hurt and preiudice to him, gyf the samyn beis not reformit and maid
sufficient agane be the said Jhone Grant, his airis or successouris, being of perfyt aige, in
respect of the said greit swme of monye of tuentye thousand merkis monye realie payit and
delyuerit in nwmerat monye to the said Jhone Grant be the said Lauchlane at the making of
thir presentis, as said is, the conquessing and purchessing quhairof hes bene verie costlie and
sumptuus to him ; thairfoir the said Jhone Grant, wyth consent and assent of his saidis
curatouris, faythfullie bindis and oblisis him, his airis and successouris, that wythin the space
of fourty days nyxt eftir he beis of perfyt aige of twentie ane zeiris compleit athir than in
his perfyt [aige,] till ratifie, apprewe and affirme attenticlie and sufficientlie the infeftment of
the foirsaid landis now to be maid be the said Jhone Grant to the said Lauchlane in his
minoritie, than and thaireftir in [all tyme cuming] to be als sufficient and valiable as gyf the
samyn haid bene maid be him in his perfyte aige, or than sail mak and delyuer, at the lest
sele and subscrywe, to the said Lauchlane and his foirsaidis, ane new sufficient infeftment
vpon the haill foirsaidis landis, conforme in effect to the infeftment to be maid now of the
foirsaidis landis, quhairbe the said Lauchlane and his foirsaidis may heretablie jois and brwke
the samyn in all tyme thaireftir cuming ; and that at the optione of the said Lauchlane and
his foresaidis : And gyf it sal happin (as God forbid it do,) that the said Jhone Grant, his
airis or successouris, being of perfyte aige of twentie ane zeiris, refuse till ratefie, apprewe and
affirme, attenticlie and sufficientlie, the infeftment of the foirsaidis landis now to be maid, as
said is, or till mak ane new infeftment sufficient thairupon as is befoir expremit, wythin the
space foirsaid, thae being desyrit and requyrit tharto be the said Lauchlane, or vtheris in his
name haweand his powar and commissione thairto, than and in that cace the said Jhone
Grant, wyth consent and assent foresaid, faythfullie bindis and oblissis him, his airis, suc-
cessouris, executouris, and assignais, till refund, satisfie, content and pay to the said Lauchlane,
his airis, executouris or assignais, the said swme of twentie thousand merkis monye foirsaid :
And for the mair securitie of payment thairof, Jhone Campbell of Calder, Patrik Grant
of Eothiemwrquhus, Jhone Grant of Kinbeathe, and James Grant of Aucharnek, of thair
awin free motywe willis, be thir presentis becumis cautionaris, souerteis and full dettouris,
for the said Jhone Grant of Frewquhye till content and pay to the said Lauchlane
and his foirsaidis the swme of ten thousand merkis in part of payment of the said
swme of tuentie thousand merkis, as eftir followis ; that is to say, the said Jhone Campbell
till content and pay the swme of thre thousand merkis, Patrik Grant of Eothiemwrquhus
the swme of thre thousand merkis, the said Jhone Grant of Kinbeathe the swme of
tway thowsand merkis, and the said James Grant the swme of tway thousand merkis monye
foirsaid, in compleit payment of the said swme of ten thousand merkis : And the said Jhone

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