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Williame Baillie, oure rebell foirsaid, to put to the knawlege of ane assyis for the said
slauchter and vtheris crymes committit be him sensyne ; and als he beis fund culpabill or
innocent of the samyn, to eaus miDistrat iustice vpoun him, conforme to the lawis of oure
realme ; sectis to mak be callit, absentis to amerciat, trespassouris to pvneis, vnlawis,
amerciamentis and eseheittis of the saidis eourtis to ask, lift and raise ; assyiss ane or ma
within oure said schirefdome and four half [next ?] about, to summond, warne, cheis and caus be
sworne, ilk persoun not comperand vnder the pane of ten pundis ; clerkis, seriandis, denrpstar
and all vtheris officiaris and memberis of court neidfull, to mak, substitute and ordane, for
quhilkis oure said schireff salbe haldin to ansuer ; and generallie all and sindry vther thingis
to do, exerce and vse, that in the premissis is necessarlie requirit to be done : Ferme and
stabill haldand and for to hald all and quhatsumeuir thingis oure said schiref or his deputtis
lauchfullie dois in the premissis, be thir oure letteris. Gevin vnder oure signet, and subscriuit
be oure said cousing and regent, at Halirudhous, the fourt day of Junii, and of oure regnne
the audit yeir, 1575. James Eegent.
147. Account of the Moveable Goods of Duncan Grant, apparent of Freuchie,
who died in the year 1582.
This is the comptt of the mowabill guidis pertening to ane honorabill man, Duncan Grantt
wmquhill apperand of Fruquhie, extractit out of his compt bulk, at the Beltan eftir his
deperting, quhilk wes in the zeir of God j m v c fourscoir tua zeris.
Item, imprimis, of ky threscoir xix, price of the pice iiij lib.
Item, of queokis of tua zeir auldis xiiij, precium pecii xl. s.
Item, of zeir auld scho beastis ellewin, precium pecii xx s.
Item, of steris of thre zeir auldis fyif'tein, price of the pice xl s., and of tua zeir auld
stoittis ten, price of the pice xxvi s. viii S.
Item, of hie steris of zeir auldis sax, price thairof vj lib.
Item, of drawin oxin in the plewis thre scoir and sax, price of the pice v lib.
Item, of scheipe and wedderis tuentie four scoir and ten.
Item, of lambes ten scoir and tua, price of the pice v s.
Item, of wairk hors tua, with ane . . .
Item, in the barn and barn zard of beir be gud . . .
Item, in the said barnis and barn zard of . . .
Item, the haill wictuall sauld out . . . haill manniss of the croipe of anno fourscoir
. . . extendis to nynten scoir fyif bollis ij firlottis tua . . . price of the bollis, four
Summa in silwer. fyiften hunderithe merkis xxii merkis iij s. iiij A.

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