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ibidem saisinam, statum et possessionem hereditariam, realem, actualem et corporalem
huiusmodi terrarum cum pertinentiis, dictis Joanni Leslie et Issobelle Grant sue sponse
future secum in coniuncta infeodacione, et pro toto tempore vite eiusdem, per terre et lapidis
traditionem et deliberationem fundi earundem, ac lie thak et raip, vt moris est, aut eorundem
procuratoribus seu procuratori, latoribus seu latori presentium, secundum tenorem dicte carte
mee, tradatis et deliberetis, seu alter vestrum tradat et deliberet ; saluo iure cuiuslibet : Et
hoc nullomodo omittatis : Ad quod faciendum, vobis et vestrum cuilibet, coniunctim et diuisim,
meam plenariam et irreuocabilem tenore presentium committo potestatem : In cuius rei
testimonium, presentibus manu mea subscriptis sigillum meum est appensum, apud Balla-
chastell, decimo sexto die mensis Februarii, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo
sexagesimo quarto ; coram testibus, Joanne Leslie de Parkhill, Magistro Alexandro Leslie
de Edinbille, Patricio Grant de Dalvvey, Jacobo Leslie burgensi de Abirdene, et Magistro
Andrea Leslie, rectore de Fettirneir, notario publico, cum diuersis aliis.
V. Leslye of Ballqhen v* my hand.
128. Discharge by Mary Queen of Scots of a Bond by John Grant of Freuchie to
present Donald Dow M c Ewin of Locheil before the Council. 29th June 1565.
Apud Dunkeld, vigesimo nono die mensis Junii, anno Domini
millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo quinto.
The Quenis Majestie vnderstanding that Johnne Grant of Frewchy, be his letteris
obligatouris actit and registrat in the buikis of secrete counsel], is oblist and astrictit to enter
and present Donald Dow M c Ewin of Locheyle, capitane of Clanchamroun, befoir hir hienes
and lordis of secrete counsell vpoun thretty dais warnyng, quheneuir he salbe requirit, vnder
certaine pecunial panys specifeit in his band and obligatioun, as the same at mair lenth
beris : Nochtwithstanding, for certane occasiones moving hir, [hir] Majestie dischargis the said
band and obligatioun and all pane and dangeir thairin contenit ; and attour, ordanis the
secretair and his deputis, kepars of the buikis of secrete counsel], to registrat and insert thir
presentis thairin ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Extractum de libro actorum secreti consilii
per me, Alexandrum Hay, deputatum clerici eiusdem, sub meis signo et subscriptione
manualibus. Alexander Hay.
129. Signet Letters charging the Clanchattan and Clankenzie to assist John Grant
of Freuchie against the incursions of the Clanranald and Clancameron. 1st March
James, be the grace of God King of Scottis, to oure louittis messingeris, oure
schireflBs in that part, coniunctlie and seueralie, specialie constitute, greting : Forsamekill as it

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