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Eos his son and the ayris gottin betuix hym and the said Nans Grant : And failzeing at
the said Allexander Eos of the Holm obserw, keipe and fwlfyll all the poyntis aboyn wry tin,
the said Allexander Eos sail paye to the sayd Jhone Grant of Fruquhye or his aris the
sowm of ane thousand merkis : Als the payment of the foirsayd sowm of tocher gud to be
ane hunderethe merkis, to be pait to the said Allexander Eos at the feist of Martemes nyxt
and immediat followinge the dait heirof, and ane hunderethe merkis at the feist of Martemes
in anno fyftye noyn zeris, and ane hunderethe merkis at the Vitsundaye nyxt thairefter : And
als the sayd Jhone Grant of Fruquhye and Allexander Eos of the Holm byndis and oblisis
tham to stand ferm and stabill, euere ane for thair awyn part, at all the poyntis of this
present contrack ; and gif it be nocht sower as it standis nowe, it salbe lesum to mak it als
sower as men of law can dewys, and to be insertit in the officeallis buikis of Murraye to the
verafication of the sam, we hayin subscryuit this present contrak with bayth our handis,
befoir thir wytnes, Jhon Leslye of Perkhyll, Scot Eos, Hutchon Eos, Thomas Cummyng,
lard of Alter, Maister Archibald M c Gregour, with vderis dyuers.
Johne Grant of Fruquhye.
Alex r Eos of Holme.
121. Precept of Clare Constat by Patrick Bishop of Moray, for infefting John
Grant of Freuchie in the lands of Over Finlarg, etc. 22d December 1560.
Pateicius miseratione diuina Morauiensis episcopus, monasteriique de Scona commendatarius
perpetuus, dilectis nostris et eorum cuilibet coniunctim et diuisim balliuis nostris
in hac parte specialiter constitutis, salutem : Quia nobis clare constat, et per autentica
documenta et euidentias nobis clare et manifeste compertum et notum est, quod quondam
Willelmus Grant de Vuirfmlarg, frater Johannis Grant de Fruquhy, latoris presentium, obiit
vltimo vestitus et sasitus ut de feodo ad pacem et fidem supreme domine nostre Eegine de
omnibus et singulis terris nostris de Vuirfmlarg, Mukroch alias vocato Mydfinlarg, et
Nethirfinlarg cum suis pertinentiis, iacentibus in baronia de Strathspey, regalitate de Spyny
et vicecomitatu de Elgyn et Fores ; Et quod dictus Johannes Grant de Fruquhy est
legitimus heres masculus eiusdem quondam Willelmi, sui fratris, de predictis terris cum
pertinenciis, vigore euidentiarum et infeofamenti prefato Willelmo desuper confectarum ; Et
quod est legitime etatis ; Et quod predicte terre de Vuirfmlarg, Mukroch alias vocato
Mydfinlarg et Nethirfinlarg, cum suis pertinenciis, de nobis et nostris successoribus, Moraui-
ensibus episcopis immediate tenentur in capite, in feudifirma siue emphiteosi et hereditate,
prout in antiquis euidentiis desuper confectis latius continetur : Vobis igitur balliuis
nostris antedictis et vestrum cuilibet, coniunctim et diuisim, firmiter precipimus et mandamus
quatenus visis presentibus, indilate statum, sasinam et possessionem hereditariam, corporalem,

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