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Grace, my lord gouernour, and the authorite of the Croun allanerlie exceptit, as at mair lenth
is contenit in thair letteris obligatouris maid to ws thairnpoun : Heirfore to be bundin and
oblist, and be the tennour heirof byndis and oblissis ws, be the fayth and trewth in our body,
lelely and trewly, our airis and successouris forsaid, to manteine and defend the saidis James
the Grant and Johnn the Grant his sone, and the langest levar of thame, thair kyne, freyndis
and seruandis, in all thair iust and leissum actionis, questionis, querrellis and debaittis, thair
iust hejetage, takkis, rowmes, and possessionis, aganis all deidly, our allegiance to our
souerane lady the Quenis Grace, my lord gouernour, and the authorite of the Croun
allanerly exceptit : In witnes of the quhilkis, to thir our letteris of manteinance, subscriuit
with our hand, our seill is to hungin, at Elgin, the aucht day of Maii, the zeir of God ane
thousand fife hundreth and fourty sex zeris ; befoir thir witnes, ane noble and mychtie lord,
Johnn erll of Sutherland, ane reuerend fader in God, Eobert bischope of Orknay, Alexander
Innes of that ilk, Johnne Lesly of Boquhane, Robert Innes of Inuermerky, William Sinclair
of Dunbeith, and Alexander Oummyng of Alter, with vtheris diuers.
George erll off Huntly.
101. Discharge by James Earl of Arran, Governor of Scotland, to James Grant of
Freuchie, of the feu-maills of Urquhart and Glenmoristoun. 20th July 1546.
Auditouris of our chakker and comptroller, we grete zou hartly weyll : Forsamekle as it [is]
humly menyt and notourly knawyne how the landis of Wrquhart and Glenmoristowne has
beyne hereyt and brynt be the Clancammeron, Clanrannald, and Clanayane, quharthrow that
our lowit James Grant of Fruquhie, fewar of the saiddis landis, has gottyn na promt thairof
sen the birnyng of the sammyne, quhilk was in the monetht of Maii was ane zere ; quhare
upoune the said James lies menyt him to ws : Our will is, and we charge zou, the said James
makand guyd payment of all thingis bygane that he aw the Queynis Graice and ws in this
present chakkere, that ze allow and discharge the said James the Graunt and his partinarris,
fewarris of Wrquhard and Glenmoristoune, of thre termys maylis bygane afoyr the dayt
heyrof, of the sammyne landis, quhilk we be the tenour heyrof dischargis and exonerys ;
kepand this precepe for zour warrand : Subscrivit wytht our hand, the xx day of Julii,
the zere off God j m v°xlvj zeris. James G.
William Ogilby, ze sail deliuer to Mathow Hammyltowne, our master houshald, the soume of
tua hundreth thretteyne pund, in compleyt payment of the few malis of Glencarny off termys
bygane ; and the sam salbe allowyt to zou and zour master, James Graunt of Fruquhy, in

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