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Donald, befor tliir witnes, Johne Allausone, Allane his sone, Gyllepatrik mediciner, Alestor
M c Ane M c Xesbe, with othir diuerssis and moni, zeir, day, and plache abuf'e writtin.
Johanes MakColreg. Alexander Joiine Alexandersone,
his hand tuichand the pen.
7 A. Discharge by James Earl of Murray to John Grant of Freuchie, for the mails
of Glencarny. 2 6th July 1522.
We, James Erie of Murray, grantis vs weill content and payit of all raalis of Glencarny, fra
the Martimes terme in the zere of God ane thousand fif hundreth and xvj zeris to the
Witsonday terme in the zere of God, etc., v c and twenti twa zeris, except fiftene pundis x s. and
sax, the said Jhone restis awand of Abirnethy ane hundreth fowre score of pundis, and of
Glencarny xv H. x s. : And this acquittans is fra the said Martimes anno, etc., v'xvj 10 to
Witsonday anno, etc., v c xxij°, baith inclusive ; and quitclamis and dischargis the said
Jhonne, his aris, executouris, and assignais, for now and euer. In witnes of the quhilk
we haf subscriuit this acquittans with our hand, at Elgin, the xxvj day of Julij, the zere of
God j ,u fif hundreth and twenty-twa zeris. James Erle of Murray. 1
75. Eetour of Willlam Hay of Mayn, as heir of Alexander Hay of Mayn, in the lands
of Innerellan, etc. 26th March [1530].
Hec INQUISICIO facta fuit in pretorio burgi de Edinburgh, coram honorabili viro Patricio
Baroun de Spittalfeld, vicecomite de Inuernes in hac parte, per commissionem supremi
domini nostri Eegis specialiter constituto, xxvj die mensis Marcii, anno Domini millesimo
quingentesimo vicesimo tricesimo [siV]; 2 per istos honorabiles viros subscriptos, videlicet,
Johannem Crechtoun de Strathurd, militem, Alexandrum Innes de eodem, Gilbertum Wauchop
de Nudiy Marschell, Willelmum' Suthirland de Duflbs, magistrum Georgeum Haj" de
Mynzeane, Jacobum Dunbar de Cunze, Georgeum Abircrummy de Leis, Patricium Grant
in Balliudalloch, Willelmum Cvmyng, Thomam Cvmyng, Patricium Ovmyng, Johannem
Eobertson, Dauid Thomsoun, Alexandrum Fressell et Patricium Duncane : Qui iurati dicunt
quod quondam Alexander Hay de Mayn, consanguineus Willelmi Hay de Mayn, latoris
presencium, obiit vltimo vestitus et sasitus vt de feodo, ad pacem et fidem supremi domini
nostri Eegis, de omnibus et singulis terris de Inuerellene, Gaich, Glenbeg, Cragin et Dregy,
cum suis pertiuenciis, iacentibus infra vicecomitatum de Inuernes : Et quod dictus Willelmus
Hay e ;t legitimus et propinquior heres eiusdem quondam Alexandri Ha} T , consanguinei sui,
de omnibus et singulis predictis terris cum pertiuenciis : Et quod est legitime etatis : Et quod
1 The same Earl of Hurray granted to Jobn the date of the discharge, 13th March 152.3.
Grant of Freuchie a discharge for £91, as the mail
of the lands of Glencaruy and Aberuetuy, preceding - The year should be 1 530.

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