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he wes skaythifc be the personis foirsaid in the taking of his said placis and guidis being
thairin, and the spoliatioun of cornis, kettellis, occupatioun of his landis and proffettis thairof,
extending to the said sowme of tua thousand pund with the mair ; and thairfoir ordanis
letteris to be direct to compell, pound, and distrenze thaime thairfoir, thair landis and guidis,
in forme as efferis.
Extractum de Libro Actorum per me magistrum Jacobum M c Gill de Eankelour
Nethir, clericum rotulorum, registri ac consilii S. D. N. Regis et Eegine, sub
meis signo et subscriptione manualibus. Jacobus Makgill.
71. Indenture between John the Grant of Freuchie and Ewin Allansone,
Chief of the Clan Cameron. 22d October 1520.
Thir endentoris, maid at Vrquhart the tuenti tua day of Octobir, in the zeir of God ane
thovsand five hundreth and tuenti zeiris : It is finaly appointit, endit, and concordit betux
vyrchyfull men, thir ar to say, Johne the Grant of Fruquhy and James Grant his sone and
apperand ayr, one the tay part, and Ewin Allansone, chaptan of Clan Cameron, and Donald his
son and apperand ayr, one the tuder part, for thame and thair ayris, perpetuale for euer, to
stand till vder in leil, trew, anefald kyndnes manteinans and defendoris of vderis for all
the dais of thair lieffis, for thame and thair ayris, and for all tymis to cum, ilkane to defend
vderis in thair personis, gudis, landis, possessionis, kin, frendis, party, and auherdans, in all
thair rychtus actionis and querelis ; and in speciale, to defend vderis lik Johne the Grant
in Vrquhart and Glenmorestone and his ayris, and Johne the Grant to defend the said
Ewin Allansone and his ayris in Lochabbir, agane all thame at levis or dee ma, thar
allegians to our souerane lord the King and the Gouernor at nov is, and to the erlis of
Murray and Argyille at now ar, outtayne and exceppit alanerly : And thir indentoris
confirmand the fathfull band of kyndnes maid of befoir, betux M c Intosich at now is and the
said Ewin Allansone, to be hail kepit in it self, bot ony dirigacioun nor raprwif to ony of thir
saidis parteis, that is to say, Johne the Grant, James his sone, Ewin Allansone and Donald
his sone, and this fathfull kyndnes and vay to be had for the mair securitie, God villing, the
said Donald Ewin Allansone sone sail haif to spous and . . . band of matrimonie in faice
of haly kyrk, Agnes Grant, dochtir to the said Johne the Grant, now incontinent efter
. . . cumyng [of the] dispensacioun betux the dait heirof and xv dais eftir Mertimes in vyntir
next to cum : And gif it sail happin at the said dispensacione cum nocht hayme within
the said tyme of xv dais eftir Mertimes, the said Johne the Grant is bundin and oblist to
caus thame be handfast and put togiddir, his said dochtir Agnes Grant and the said Donald,
for mariage to be completit, in the defalt of the dispensacion nocht cumyng hame at the
said tyme : And thairfoir the said Johne the Grant sail haif ane band of ane nobil and

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