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hondreth markis be fullely pait and content to the said Johne : And alsua the said Johne
sal mak the said Margret be infeft in twenty markis wourth of land, in coniunct feft-
ment, to him and to hir, and yke langast louffar of thaim, and the barnis to be gettine amangis
thaim : And for the seeurite and fulfilling of the sowmis and coniunct feftment, as said
is, the said parteis sal geve ilkain to vthir sufficient bande and obligacion befor the mariage
be compleit : Alsua the said Schir James his sone, and Johne, for thairis liftymis, sal stand
anefalde leyl and kind, ilkain to vthir, in helpe, supple, consaile, and assistans, in all and
sindry thare honest and leissume causis and querellis quhatsumeuir, mouit or to be
mouit ; and nothir of the said parteis, thare kine, men, and frendis depending apone thame,
sal tak nor intromet with ony landis, bailzeoriis, takis, or possessionis fra vthir, or owt of
vthiris handis, at thai ar cleid with this day, or at thai hapine eftirwart to cheiwis and
ouptene, sua that nothir of thaim uak that vthir of sic takis and possessiones, as said is :
Alsua the said parteis sail manteine, keip, and diffend ilkain vthiris rowmis, takis, and
bailzeoriis, fra sorning, thigging, oppressione, and stouth, treuly at thair gudly powaris ; and
speciale sal rewell thair kine, frendis, and seruandis fra al sic injuris. In faith and witnes
heirof, and fulfilling of al that is abone wirtine lelyly and treuly, bot fraud or gile, baith the
said parteis has sworne the greit aith ; and to the parte of this indentouris remanand with
the said Johne, the said Schir James has affixit his seyle ; and to the part remanand with the
said Schir James, the said Johne has procurit with instance the seyle of his singular lord,
George erle of Hountlie, lord Gordone and Baidzenach, to be affixit for hime, zere, day, and
place befoir writin ; befoir witnes, Wiliani Keith, Lauchlain M c Kintoische, Wiliam Grant,
with vthiris diuers.
44. Instrument of Resignation of the two Cullarleys in favour of Alexander Stewart.
14th December 1485.
In Dei nomine amen : Per hoc presens publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat euidenter, quod
anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo octuagesimo quinto, mensis vero Decembris
die decima quarta, indictione quarta, pontificatus sanctissimi in Cristo patris et domini
nostri, domini Innocencii pape octaui anno secundo : In mei notarii publici et testiuni
subscriptorum presencia, personaliter constitutus honorabilis vir, Eobertus Stewart de
Abernathy, non vi aut metu ductus, nee errore lapsus, sed sua libera mera et spontanea
voluntate, animoque deliberato, ut apparuit, totas et integras terras suas de duabus Cullarleys
cum vniuersis pertinenciis suis, infra vicecomitatum de Aberdeyne iacentes, in manibus
magnifici et potentis domini, Georgii comitis de Huntlye domini Gordone et de Baydzhenach,
premissarum terrarum cum pertinenciis domini superioris, dimisit, extradedit, pureque et
simpliciter per fustem et baculum resignauit : Et post huiusmodi resignacionem premissarum
terrarum in prefati domini superioris manibus per ipsum, ut premittitur, sponte factam, idem

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