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to hir att thee nixt term after my death, and quhat farther Achmedden and
Auchintowill sail ordein my seme to give at hir mariage, (being nott exceiding
thee soume off other fyve thowsand markis) I ordein him to pay thee same, shoe
marieing bee thee advyce off Auchmedden and Auchintowill, and ther consent had
therto in wreitt, and that for all that shoe may ask or crave bee deceass off father
or mother, brother or sister, or anie other way quhatsoever ; and if itt sail pleass
God to call mee and my sone (without heiris-mail gottin off owr owin bodies)
befor hir mariag, in that caice I ordein hir tochir to bee doublit bee advyce off
thee saidis freindis, and to bee payit bee my nearest heiris off tailie.
Item, I leave to Jean Fraser, dochter to James Fraser off Tyrie, in satisfaction
off my band off two thowsand markis quhilk I was restand to my wncle (quhilk
band is in Achmacoyis keiping), I leave hir thrie thowsand markis to bee payit,
and that besyd hir interteinment since hir coming to mee, and hir brother Tyrie
to pay to hir other thrie thowsand markis for thee moveabillis and cropis upon
thee land off Tyrie, quhilk hee is to thee ground, att Wytsonday
ane thowsand sex hundreth fiftie-ane yearis ; and this besyd Achmacoyis band
off two thowsand markis, with thee annualrent theroff restand since Tyrie's death,
quhilk band is among my wreittis, in ane littil coffer with shottillis in ;
and I sail wish thee said Jean to marie bee advyce off hir brother and wnclis,
otherwyss that hir brother may know that my band is heritabill, and could nott
bee left bee testament in prejudice off thee heir ; and quhat hir brother does in
this kynd I sail wish it may bee for thee behove off his brother James, iff his
sister follow not his advyce.
Item, seing Alexander Fraser off Tyrie hes intromettit with his owin estaite,
I sail wish that ther may bee ane mutuall discharg betwixt him and mee off my
intromission with his rentis as tutor, and off all bandis and assignatiounis and
comptis that I have off his or his fatheris may bee dischargit, and all thee bandis,
wreittis, and comptis may bee delyverit to him as they com to handis, and that
my sone and hee keip such concord and unitie togither as becomis brethren, and
as they wish Godis blessing to [bee] upon them and ther posteritie, and as they wold
deserve my blessing : also that Tyrie bee cairfull to bring up his brother at
schooles, and bee cairfull off his education, and that hee may so bestow upon [him]
quhen hee comes to perfyt age, as hee may live honestlie, and nott bee chargeable
to anie.

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