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thir our letteris of publicatioun for publeissing thairof according to the orclour [vseit]
in sik caissis, as is allegit : Oure Will is [heir]foir, and we charge zow straitlie
and commandis that, incontinent thir our letteris sene, ze pas to the mercat croces
of our burrowis of Abirdein, Fraserburgh, and vtheris places
neidfull, and thair be oppin proclamatioun thairat, in our name and auctoritie,
mak publicatioun of the premissis, sua that na persone nor persounes pretend
ignorance thairof heirefter ; and to do nor attempt na thing in hurt or preiudice
thairof in ony tyme cuming, vnder all hiest pane and chairge that efter may
follow, according to justice, as ze will ansuer to ws thairvpoun; the quhilk to do
we commit to zow, coniunctlie and seueralie, our full power be thir our letteris,
delyvering thame be zow, dewlie execute and indorsat, agane to the berar.
Gevin vnder our signet, at Edinburgh, the nyntene day of Maij, and of our regnne
the xxxiiij zeir, 1601.
Ex deliberatione dominorum consilii.
[Execution on the back by Gilbert Guthrie, younger, Linlithgow pursuivant,
and certification by William Chalmers, notary public, that the letters were
proclaimed at the market cross of Aberdeen, on the 8th day of August
1601, "being ane mercat day," by the said pursuivant.]
40. Charter by Sir Alexander Fraser, knight, to the Burgh of
Fraserburgh. 2 2d December 1613.
Omnibus hanc cartam visuris vel audituris, dominus Alexander Fraser de Fraser-
burghe, miles, baro baronie et regalitatis ejusdem dominus, eternam in Domino
salutem : Quia per cartam supremi domini nostri Eegis nobis sub magno suo
sigillo, de data apud Halyrudhous die mensis anno Domini
millesimo sexcentesimo primo concessam, burgum de Fraserbrught, cum integris
terris jacentibus infra bondas ab antiquo vocatas Faythlie, et omnibus suis par-
tibus, pendiculis et pertinentiis quibuscunque ; vna cum turre et fortalicio dicti
burgi, cum aquaticis molendinis et ventosis ac lacu ejusdem, ac cum omnibus et
singulis domibus, edificiis, hortis, terris, tenementis, lie zearis, acris, rudis, toftis,
croftis, lie outseatis, partibus, pendiculis. et pertinentiis ; cum omnibus vniversi-
tatibus et collegiis infra idem ; in vnum liberum burgum baronie, liberum portum

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