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Finlasoun off Killeith, and Johnne Home off Carrelsyid, bailzie to the said ladie,
ar becum cautioneris and souerteis for the saidis Johnne Lord Saltoun and Dame
Margaret Stewart, and with thame all, coniunctlie and seuerallie, for payment
of the sowmes off tocher befoir exprimit, at the termis off payment respectiue foir-
saidis ; and bindis and oblissis thame all, thair airis, executouris, and assignais,
coniunctlie and seuerallie, for payment of the same to the said Sir Alexander
Fraser of Fraserburgh, knicht, and his foirsaidis, in maner and at the termis
befoir specifeit : And the said Johnne Lord Saltoun and Dame Margaret Stewart
bindis and oblissis thame and thair foirsaidis to warrant, fre, releiff, and keip
skaith[les] the saidis cautioneris and ilk ane of thame, thair airis, executouris, and
assignais, off the said cautionarie, and of all skaith that thai salhappin to sustein
thairthrow ; and for suir obserwing off all and sindrie the pointis off this present
contract and appointment, baith the saidis pairteis and cautioneris abonnamit, and
curatouris foirsaidis off the said Johnne Lord Saltoun, and ilk ane off thame for
thair awin pairtis respectiue, ar content and consentis that the same be inactit and
registrat in the builds off our souerane lordis buikis off Counsall and Sessioun, to
haue the strenth off ane act and decreit off the saidis Lordis and thair authoriteis
interponit thairto, with executoriallis of hornyng, poinding and wairding, the ane
but prejudice off the wther, to pas and be direct thairvpoun on ane singill chairge
off ten dayis ; and for registrating heiroff in the saidis buikis, makis, constitutis and
ordanes and ilk ane of thame, coniunctlie and seuerallie,
thair werie lawfull and irreuocable procuratouris to consent thairto in thair
names, in vberiore constitutionis forma : Promittentes de rato. In faith and witnes
off the quhilkis, baith the saidis pairteis, cautioneris, and curatouris abon exprimit,
and ilk ane off thame, for thair awin pairtis and enteress, hes subscriuit this pre-
sent contract and appointment with thair handis, dayis, zeir, place respectiue foir-
saidis, befoir thir witnessis, George Ogiluy off Carnowseis, Mr. Johnne Ogiluy,
persoun off Crouden, Johnne Kennady, seruitour to the said Alexander Fraser,
appeirand off Phillorth, Alexander Craufurde, serwitour to the said Sir Alexander,
and Johnne Simpsoun, notar publict, Symon Lord Fraser of Lovat, Waltir Wood,
appeirand off Bobigno, Mr. Alexander Smairt, pedagog to the said noble lord, and
Patrick Levingstoun, servitour to the said noble ladie. Sic subscribitur. Johne
Lord Saltoun ; Margaret Lady Saltoun ; S r A r Fraser of Fraserburgh ; Alexander
Fraser ; Margaret Abernethie ; T. Otterburne of Eeidhalle, cautionar and cura-

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