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right, renewed the attack with great vigour. The British Guards of both
brigades offered a desperate resistance, retiring from tree to tree, and fre-
quently making a bold and resolute stand, but a superiority of numbers
forced them at length to return to their original positions ; the First Guards'
Light Companies on the left falling back to their position in the orchard, the
Second Brigade Companies retiring to the shelter offered by the chateau itself
and by a haystack standing outside. The French skirmishers, believing all
opposition to have ceased, now rapidly advanced through the wood towards
the building and garden. A hedge forming the northern boundary of the
wood, towards which they were approaching, appeared to them to form also
the enclosure of the garden beyond, and, in full confidence that they were
about to become masters of it, they rushed forward au pas de charge, but
were soon fatally undeceived ; the loop-holed garden-wall stood thirty yards
behind the hedge, running parallel to it, behind which stood the Coldstreams
and Third Guards, and a deadly musketry fire bursting forth from the loop-
holes, suddenly brought them up surprised and staggered by so unexpected
a reception, which laid low their foremost ranks. As the French could not
hope to succeed in storming this little fortress by any direct attack, they had
recourse to the shelter of the hedge and surrounding trees, from which they
kept up for some time an unequal fire against the garrison who had so well
protected themselves.
" As the French battalions in support were rapidly pushed forward, the
British artillery recommenced its fire upon them, causing much confusion in
their ranks, of which the garrison and light companies First Guards at once
took advantage, and, sallying forth from the flanks, soon regained possession of
a considerable portion of the wood. On the advance of the Guards the British
artillery ceased firing, whereupon the French recovering themselves, and
receiving further reinforcements, again advanced with such determination as
to force the Guards to return, the Second Brigade to the flanks of the chateau,
the First Brigade to the left of the garden-wall. The Coldstream and Third
Guards companies, after having for some time resisted very superior forces, at
length retired within the buildings, barricading the entrance-gate with every
available object, and manning the garden-walls, so as to be prepared to resist
the enemy at every point, while the companies of the First Guards retired as

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