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countrie, and meatest for ws, that lies sa gude lyking of that pastyme ;
we haue thairfoir taikin occasioun effectuuslie to requeist and desyre
zou, seing halkis ar bot gifting geir, and na vthiruise to be accompted
betuixt ws and zou, being sa wele and lang acquented, that of courtessye ze
will bestow on ws that zour halk, and send hir heir to ws with this berar,
our seruand, quhom we haue anis earand directed to bring and carye hir
tentilie. Quhairin as ze sail report our hartlie and speciall thankis, sa sail
ze find ws reddy to requite zour courtessye and gudwill with na lesse plesour
in any the lyke sutes, as occasioun sail present. Thus resting persuaidit of
zour plesouring ws heiranent, we commit zou in Godis protectioun. From
Perth, the Fiffc of Marche 1596. 1
" To our richt traist freind, The Larde of Phillorth."
No doubt the king got the " halk" which he so " effectuuslie requeisted;"
but it is amusing to see how plainly, and yet courteously, he intimated his
wish that it should be made a present to him.
A third letter from James VI. to Sir Alexander Fraser is extant.
"Eicht Traist Freind, — We greit zou hertlie wele. Being taiking
ordour heir with the complaintis of our pure people, amang the rest it is
heavilie meanit ws be this pure berare, callit Alexander Bruce, that zour
seruand William Cheyne is awand to him the sowme of four scoir merkis
xxxiij s iiij d. money of our realme, for a pece of land quhilk he had in
wodsett, quhilk be his letteris obligatouris schawin to ws he wes obleist to
pay at Witsunday 1598 zeiris, and notwithstanding postponis and deferris
to do the samen, to the pure manis vtter wrak and vndoing. We haue
thairfoir thocht gude to will and desire zou to caus the said William, zour
seruand, satisfie this pure cumpliner of the said sowme, justlie addettit be
him, sa that we be nocht fasched with forder complaint in that matir, as ze
1 Philorth Charter-room.

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