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Conftable of the kingdome of that name. The fucceffion was con-
tinowed lineally from him to that Earle John, who now liveth ; and
is the twelfth Earle, and feventeenth Conftable, fince thefe honoures
were firft conferred upon his forbeares.
Off the beginning and succession of the Constables of
Before the dayes of King Malcolm the Third, we had no higher
titles of honor in this nation, then Knights, excepting only the
Abthane of the kingdome and the Thanes of the feveral divifions
and diftricts within the fame ; bot he, being brought up long with
Edward the Confeflbr in England, whither he fled from M'Beth the
Ufurper, had there learned the formes of the Englifh offices and
degrees of nobility ; fo that when he returned home, and was reftored
to the Croune, he fet up a Steuard of the kingdome and Earles of the
countries, after the manner of England, in place of the Abthane and
Thanes ufed of old by his progenitors.
King William, great grandchyld to King Malcolm, haveing been
alfo long in England and in France with King Henrie the Second,
at his return is thought firft to have fett up the offices of Chancellor,
Conftable, and Marifchall in this nation, in imitation of France and
England ; for the firft Chancellor we find is about his time, and is
called Alexander oure Chancellor ; and the firft Marifchall we find
recorded is Gillycallum, who rebelled againft King William, tooke
part with the Englifhes, and delivered up the King's caftle upon the
Water of Even in theire hands, then raifed the Gallovidians in
armes, bot was defeated by Gilchrift Earle of Angus, and forefaulted
by the King.
The occafion of the firft Conftable created by King William was

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