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Mrs. Anna Drummond, fourth daughter to Patrick Lord Drum- Anna, fourth
mond, was married firft to Barclay, laird of Towie, and PatnckLord
had to him a fone, Patrick Barclay, who fucceeded ; and tuo daugh- rumm
ters, Anna and Violett Barclayes. Anna Drummond, Lady Towie,
was married a fecond time to Frazer, Lord Muthell.
Mrs. Elifabeth Drummond, the fifth and youngeft daughter of Eitfabeth,
Patrick Lord Drummond, was married to Alexander Elphingftone, daughter to
the fourth Lord thereof ; who had with her only one daughter, Mrs. Drummond.
Lilias Elphingftone, heretrix thereof. She was married to Alexander
Elphingftone, her own cufine-germane, laird of Barnes, who, by her
right was fifth Lord Elphingftone. He begot tuo fones, Alexander,
who fucceeded to be fixth Lord ; he married Burnet, daughter
to Burnet, Archbifhop firft of Glafgow, then of St. Andrews,
bot dyed without ifhew ; and John, his brother, now feventh Lord
Elphingftone, fucceeded. He married Maitland Lauder,
I know not which, eldeft daughter to Charles Maitland of Hattone,
brother to John Duke of Lauderdale, and hes to him children, to wit,
Patrick Lord Drummond, after his Lady's death, married Agnes
Drummond, daughter to Sir John Drummond of Innerpeffrie, after
(he had been firft wife to Hughe Campbell of Lowdone, next to
Hugh Earle of Eglingtone, as hes been obferved, Partition Seventh.
Off Lady Margaret Lindsay, Daughter to David Lyndsay,
Laird of Edzell and Earle of Craufurd, and the Pedegree
of that Family.
The Earle of Craufurd, Cheefe of the Lyndfayes, deduces their
original from one called Lyndfay, who did good fervice to King

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