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to Lady Margaret Cuninghame, daughter to Cunninghame
Earle of Glencairn.
John Earle of Lauderdale, the fone of John the fecond Earle by
his lady, Iuobella Seatone, wes one of the Commiffioners of Scotland
to the Parliament of England in the beginning of our late civill warrs ;
bot in the year 1648 he became of the Kings fyde, and in the year 1648.
1651 wes taken prifoner at Worcefter fight, and keept fo until King
Charles the Second was happily reflored in the year 1660 ; then he
was made fole Secretary of State of Scotland, and one of his Majefties
Privy Councel of both Kingdomes : afterward he was honoured to be
his Majefties High Commiffioner for Scotland to three or four feveral
Seffions of Parliament ; made Knight of the moft noble Order of the
Garter, and at laft created Duke of Lauderdale. He married to his
firft wife Lady Hume, daughter to Alexander Earle of Hume,
by whom he had one only daughter, Lady Marie Maitland, married
upon John Hay Lord Yefter, eldeft fone and appeareand aire to John
Earle of Tueddale, who hes children, fones,
John Duke of Lauderdale, after the death of his lady, married to his
fecond wife Lady Elifabeth Murray, Comtefs of Dyfert, eldeft daugh-
ter and heirefs of William Murray Earle of Dyfert, and relict widdow
of Sir Lionel Talmafh, ane Englifh knight ; bot hes no children.
Lady Margaret Seatone, youngeft daughter to Alexander Earle of
Dumferline, wes married to Colin M'Kenzie Earle of Seaforth ; fhe
had to him only tuo daughters : Firft, Lady M'Kenzie, married
to Sinclar Lord Berrendaile ; ftie had to him George Sinclar
Earle of Caitnefs, who married Lady Campbell, daughter^ to
Archbald, late Marques of Argyle. The fecond was Lady Anna
M'Kenzie, firft married to Lord Belcarras.
Mrs. Jean Drummond, third daughter to Patrick Lord Drummond, j ea n, third
wes married to Robert firft Earle of Roxburgh, and had to him one PatnckLord
daughter Lady Sophia Ker, who dyed unmarried, and one fone, called rummon •
Henrie Frederick Lord Ker. Robert Earle of Roxburgh was Lord

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