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Duke of Montmouth and Bucleugh, natural fone to King Charles
the Second, and lies to him children. Lady Leflie was the
third time married to David Earle of Weems, and had to him a fone
and a daughter ; the fone dyed young, whereby the daughter became
heretrix of Weems : me was married to James Weems Lord Brunt-
ifland, and hes to him children.
John Earle of Rothes, only fone to the laft John, was firft
Thefaurer, then Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, General of all
the Forces, Lord High Commiffioner, and at laft created Duke of
Rothes. He married Lady Lindfay, daughter to John Earle
of Craufurd and Lyndfay : me had to him a fone who dyed young, and
tuo daughters, Lady Margaret Leflie, and Lady Chriftiana Leflie.
The eldeft was married to Earle of Haddingtowne, in favors of
whofe children of that marriage, the eftate and honour of the Earle
of Rothes wes refigned : the Earle of Haddingtone hes children.
Lady Chriftiana Leflie the youngeft daughter, was married to
James third Marques of Montrofe, and hes to him James Lord
Mrs. Lilias Drummond, fecond daughter to Patrick Lord Drum- Lady Lilias,
mond, wes married to Alexander Seattone, one of the younger fones Dmmmond^s
of George Lord Seatton, begotten upon Iflbbella Hamiltone his t ^° nddan s h -
wife. Alexander was firft Prefident of the Colledge of Juftice, then
made a Lord of Parliament by King James the Sixth, and called
Lord Fyvie ; after that, he was created Earle of Dumferline, upon
the 4th of March 1605 ; when he had been fome yeares Lord High 1605.
Chancellor of Scotland. Alexander Earle of Dumferline begot with
his lady, Lilias Drummond, only four daughters, to wit, Lady Anna,
Lady Sophia, Lady Iflbbella, and Lady Margaret Seattons. Lady
Anna Seattone the eldeft daughter of Alexander Earle of Dumfer-
line, was married to Thomas Erflrine Lord Fenton, afterward Earle
of Kellie ; fhe had to him three fones. The firft, Erfkine dyed
unmarried ; the fecond, Erflrine fecond Earle of Kellie, he
2 c

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