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Elifabeth Stirline, daughter to William Stirlin of Ardoch ; me had
to him [a] fone John Drummond, and daughters
4. John Drummond, the lone and air of Malcolm Drummond of
Deanfton, begot a fone, James, who fucceeded, on Janet Stuart, a
near coufine to James, Earle of Murray, who dyed at Dunibyrfell ; and
daughter to John Stuart, brother fone to the Lord Ochiltrie, begotten
with Agnes Grahame, neece to William Grahame, Earle of Montrofe.
5. James Drummond, who was the fifth of the houfe of Deanf-
town, had, with Janet Stuart, his wife, fones, Mr. James, Mr. Harie,
Mr. Patrick Drummonds, &c.
6. Mr. James fucceeded to be the fixth laird of Deanftown to his
father James : He was fourteen yeares minifter at Fowlls, in Strathern.
He married Janet Malcolm, alias Maxwell, the daughter of a learned
reverend and pious preacher Mr. John Malcolm, minifter at Perth ;
whofe propper fyrename was Maxwell, as may be feen by his amies
engraven upon his lodgeing in Perth, and by his fathers wryts,
wherein he defignes himfelfe and fubfcrives Andreas Malcolm, abas
Maxwell. He had with his wife, Janet , fones ; John
Drummond the eldeft, Mr. Archbald Drummond the fecond, Mr.
James the third, &c. and daughters
Mr. Archbald Drummond was minifter of Ochterarder. He
married firft Sufanna Douglas, daughter to the laird of Dallenie, in
Nithifdale ; the fecond time to Jean Drummond, natural daughter to
William Earle of Roxburgh, but had no children. He was generally
beloved by all that knew him, and particularly by all in the parifh,
where he ferved, fuch was his mild temper and pleafant converfe, that
he oblidged every man, and never difoblidged any : he was profundly
learned in maters of antiquitie, and a great mafter, not only in the
original languages of the fcripture, bot alfo in all the heads of polemi-
cal and pofitive theologie, and yet had fo plaine a way of expreffing
his deepeft thoughts when he fpoke to the people, that the mean eft

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