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thair pertinencis, lyand within the schereuedome of Clidisdale, Louthiane, or
Galway, of vntailzeit landis, to be haldin of vs and our ayris in sic feftement and
fredome as he haldis now the said landis of Glengennate and the Bannane of vs, or
euir the said lady Mergaret our spouse, hir ayris or assignais, or ony vthir in hir
name or thairis be herd in the clame of the saide landis, or ony stryfe, pley,
questioun or demand be movit thar vpoun or persewit with in jugement or with
owt jugement, stilly or lowde, preve or pert, in the law or by the law ; And we,
our ayris and assignais, sal hald, kerje, and fulfill all condiciones forsaide lelily
and treuly withowtin fraude and gile or ony excepcioun, to the said Marc, his
ayris and assignais, for euir mare, renounsand thar attour al remede of law canon
or ciuil, actis, statutis of parliamentis or generale counsalis, made or to be made,
quhilk may be til vs or our ayris ony suple, remede or help and hendering to the
said Marc, his ayris or assignais, in the contrare of thir our presente lettres, al
fraude, gile and dissaite cessand as is forsaide. In witnes of the quhilk thing
we haue gert set our seale to thir our lettres and subscrivit with our avne hand
at our castell of Douglas, the xxviij day of the moneth of March, the yer of our
lord I m cccc fifty and foure. 1
^ <** ^VHf2 ^ ^
1 Original Obligation in Charter-chest of
the Marquis of Ailsa : also copy charter by
James, Earl of Douglas, Wigtown, and Avon-
dale, Lord of Galloway, by which he grants
to his beloved cousin and secretary, Mark of
Haliburtoun, his lands of Glengenate and le
Bannane, in the barony of Trabauch, earldom
of Carrick and sheriffdom of Ayr, which for-
merly belonged to the Earl's kinsman, John
Auchinleck, lord of that ilk, and were re-
signed by him in the Earl's hands at Lanark,
in favour of the foresaid Mark ; to be held to
him, his heirs and assignees of the Earl his
heirs and successors, in fee and heritage, for
rendering two suits of court at the head courts
of the barony of Trabauch, held at Easter and
Michaelmas : Contains a clause of warran-
dice, and is dated at the Castle of Douglas,
28th March 1453-4. Witnesses, the Earl's
dearest brothers-german, Hugh, Earl of Or-
mond, and Sir James (John) of Douglas, Lord
of Balveny, James, Lord of Hamiltoun,
knights, Andrew Ker of Altonburn, and

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