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298. Letter by Archibald, Fourth Earl of Douglas, giving to Alex-
ander Home a pension from the rents of Coldingham Priory.
28th October 1406. 1
Til al that thir lettres herys or seis Archebalde, Erie of Douglas, and lorde of
Galway, and kepare to the landis and the rentis of the priorie of Coldinghame,
greting : Forthy that we hafe made, ordanit, and stablisit our lufit squyer and
allie, Alexander of Home, our substitute and kepare vndir vs of the foresaide
landis and rentis of Coldinghame, we wil and grantis, and be thir present lettres
we gif to the foresaide Alexander, for his gude seruice til vs done and to be done,
ilke yhere twenty punde of vsuale money of Scotland of the pension of a huudre
punde aucht til vs yherly of the forsaide priorie of Coldinghame ; the qwhilke
forsaide some of twenty punde we wil and assignis him to resaife of the fermis of
the forsaide priorie in part of payment of our saide pension yhe[re] by yhere als
lang as we sal be kepare to the forsaide priorie, or as we sal hafe the pension of a
hundreth punde beforsaide. In witnes of the qwhilke thing to thir lettres we hafe
gert set our sele at Londone, the xxviii day of Octobre, the yhere of our lorde a
thousand foure hundreth and sex.
299. Charter by James of Douglas, Lord of Abercorn and Aberdour, to
William Fraser, of the lands of Over Petouly, and others. 25th
October 140S. 2
Omnibus hanc cartam visuris uel audituris, Jacobus de Douglas, dominus de
Abircorn et de Abirdowir, salutem in Domino sempiternam : Sciatis nos dedisse,
concessisse, et hac presenti carta nostra, pro nobis et heredibus nostris ac succes-
soribus imperpetuum, confirmasse carissimo consanguineo nostro, Willelmo Fraser,
pro suis benemeritis nobis multipliciter impensis, totas et integras terras de Ouir
Pettouly, de Nethir Pettouly, Petslegach, Culburty, le Quarale, Ardelach, Achlun,
le thre Bulgenis, cum molendino de Bulgeuy, Glascelach, Culcaoch, Achmacludy,
Drumwhendil cum molendino eiusdem, Mamsy cum molendino de Badechale et de
Eathin, cum pertinenciis, iacentes in baronia de Abirdowir infra vicecomitatum de
Abirden : Que quidem terre cum pertinenciis fuerunt domini Alexandri Fraser,
militis, patris sui, hereditarie, et quas idem Alexander, non vi aut metu ductus
1 Original Letter at Durham. Printed in the National MSS. of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 47.
2 Original Charter at Philorth.

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