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217. Assignation by James Earl of Morton, Regent, to Archibald,
eighth Earl of Angus, of the teind-sheaves of the Kirk of Inuer-
lethen. 17th September 1575.
Be it kend till all men he thir present lettrez, ws, James erle of Mortoun, lord
of Dalkeith, etc., Regent to oure souerane lord, his realme and liegis, takkisman
principall, and having in tak and assedatioun of Francis, commendatar of the.
abbay of Kelso and convent thairof, with expres consent and assent of Schir Jhonne
Ballenden of Auchnoule, knycht, clerk of oure souerane lordis justiciarie, his
coadiutor and administratour, for his enteres, to ws, oure airis and assignais and
subtenentis, all and sindrie the teyncl schevis of the parroche kirk of Inuerlethane
with the pendiculis, pairtis and pertinentis thairof, lyand within the schirefdome
of Peblis, for all the space, zeris and tennis of nyntene zeiris nixt and immediatlie
following oure entre thairto, the day and dait of the tak and assedatioun maid
to ws thairvpoun, as the samin, of the dait, the penult day of Julij, the zeir of
God I m v c threscoir thretin zeiris at lenth beris. for certane sowmes of money and
proffittis pait and gevin to ws be the noble and mychtie lord, Archibald erle of
Angus, lord Dowglas and Abirnethie, etc., to haif maid, constitut and ordanit,
and, be the tenour heirof, makis, constitutis, and ordanis him, and his airis maill
and of taillie specifiit and contenit in his new infeftment of his landis and here-
tage of the erldome of Angus, oure verie lauchtfull and vndoutit cessioneris and
assignais, in and to the said lettir of tak and assedatioun, and all zeiris and
termis thairof to ryn, and to all and sindrie the saidis teyndschevis contenit in
the samin, gevand, grantand, turneand and transferrand fra ws, oure airis and all
vtheris our assignais in and to the said Archibald erle of Angus, and his airis
foirsaidis, oure anerlie cessioneris and assignais abouewrittin, .the said tak and
assedatioun, and all richt, titill, interes and clame of richt, quhilkis we had, lies,
or ony wis may haue or clame in to the saidis teyndschavis of the said paroche
kirk, be virtew of the said tak or onyvtherwis during all the zeiris and termis
thairof to ryn, with power to the said Archibald erle of Angus, and his airis
foirsaidis, thair factouris and seruitouris in thair names, all and sindrie the saidis
teyndschavis of the said paroche kirk, fra the tenentis jiarochineris and vtheris
intromettouris thairwith during the said space, to ask, crave, gadder, intromet and
ressaue, and thairvpoun to dispone, at thair plesour, with fre ische and entrie,
siclike and als frelie as we our selffis mycht haue done be virtew of our said asse-
datioun befoirthe making of this oure assignatioun, during all the zeiris and termis

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