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214. Bond of Service by Sir Thomas Turnbull of Bedrule, and others of
his name and friends, to Archibald, eighth Earl of Angus. 25 th
December 1574.
Be it kend till all men be thir present letters, Ws, Thomas Turnbull of Bedroule,
knight, and Walter Turnbull my sonne, Johnne Turnbull of Mynto, George Turn-
bull of Halrowll, William Turnbull of Bernhillis and vtheris, oure kin and freindis,
vndersubscriuand, that, forsamekle as oure forbearis of a langtyme lies servit and
dependit vpoun the hous and erlis of Angus, as oure kyndlie gude lordis, ressav-
ing of thame greite fauoure, gudwill and mantenance in all oure and thair honest
and lauchfull causis, quhairfore, and in respect of the like fauoure, gudewill and
mantenance, already experimentit and found toward ws, oure kin and freindis, be
the noble and michtie lord Archibald, now erll of Angus, lord Douglas and
Abirnethy, and of large benefites and gude dedis bestowit and to be bestowit be
him and be his procurement vpoun ws, to be bundin and oblist, and, be the
tennour heirof, faithfullie bindis and oblissis ws, that we, be our selms, oure kin
and freindis of oure surnames, and all that will do for ws, sail trewlie serve the
said erll, ryd and gang, and tak anfald, trew and plane part with him in the
avancement and furthsetting of oure souerane lordis seruice, and in his awin
honorable and gude actionis and causis cpihatsumeuir, aganis all that leif or dee
may, oure souerane lord and his auctoritie allanerlie exceptit, and sail anfaldlie
and trewlie ryse, concur and assist togidder in the said seruice, and nevir knaw
the skaith, hurt or displeasoure of the said erll quhairof we sail nocht, with all
possible speid, gif him warning, and stop and impeid the same at oure vttermaist,
as we will answer to God vpoun oure trewth and honestie, and vnder the pane of
reproche and infamy for euir : In witnes heirof, we haue subscriuit this oure band
and faithfull promise with oure handis as followis, at Dalkeith, the xxv day of
December, the zeir of God I m v° thre scoir, fouretene zeris, befoir thir witnesis,
Johnne Carmichaell, zounger of that ilk, Richard Butherfurd, prouest of Jed-
burgh, Mr. Johnne Provand, prebendar of Colsy, with vtheris diuers.
Thomas Trumbull of Beddrowll, knycht. George Turnbull of Halroule, and
Johnne Turnbull of Mynto. William Turnbull of Bernehillis,
witht our handis at the pen led by James Millar, notar, at our commandis, becaus
we can nocht write.
Ita est, Jacobus Millar, notarius, de mandatis dictorum Joannis, Georgii et
Willelmi Turnbull, scribere nescientium, vt affirmauerunt.

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