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Braidwocl in and behalf of Archbald Douglas of Glenbervie, the sowme of tuenty
pundis, gud and vsuall mvnye of this realme, for our anwell and pensioun of the
Mertymes term in the zer of God ane thowsand fyv hundreth fyfty sevin zeris,
and for our anwell and pensioun of the Witsonday term in the zer of God etc.
fyftye awcht zeris, and sa restis to vs ten pundis for this last Mertymes term
preceiding the dait herof onlie : Of the quhilk sowme of twentye pundis we
haldis vs weill content and payit, and for all termis bypast, excep onlie this
last Mertymes term, as said is, dischargis and quitclemis the said Archbald
and vtheris, all that efferis, for now and euer be this our acquittans. Subscriuit
with our hand at the place of the Senys, the saxt day of Merche, in the zer of
God I m v c lviij zeris.
Sester Crestan Bellindin, prioriws off the Senes.
207. Bond of Manrent by James Duke of Chatelherault and his son,
James Earl of Arran, to Archibald, eighth Earl of Angus, and
James Earl of Mortoun. 31st May 1560.
Be it kend till all men be thir present lettres, Ws, James duke of Chatellarault,
erle of Arrane, lord Hammiltoun, etc., and James erle of Arrane, oure sone, to
be bundin and oblist, and, be thir present lettres, the faithis and treuthis in oure
bodeis, lelalie and trewlie bindis and oblisis ws, oure airis and eftircumaris, that
we, be oureselffis, oure kin, freindis, assistaris and parttakaris, sail fortefye,
manteine, defend and supplie Archibald erle of Angus, lord Douglas, and James,
erle of Mortoun, lord Dalkeyth, etc., thair airis and successouris, in the peceable
bruking, josing and mantenyng of thair levingis and housis of Angus and Mortoun
respectiue, aganis quhatsumeuir persone or personis that wald or sail appin to move,
pley, actioun, or truble to thame, or ather of thame thairupone, in the law, or by
the law, and speciall aganis Margaret Dowglas, spous to Matho, sumtyme erle of
Levinax, and hir said spous, thair airis and successouris and all vtheris, in maner
as the saidis erlis and thair successouris sail require ws, oure said sone, oure airis
or successouris thairupone ; and sail fortefie, manteine and defend the saidis erlis
of Angus and Mortoun, their kin, freindis, assistaris and part takeris, in all and
sindrie thair actionis and causis, honest and lefull, aganis all deidlie, and tak part
witht thame thairintill, vnder the pane of ten thousand pundis to be payit be ws to
thame in cace we failzie heirin ; providing that the said failze be tryit be noble

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