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the said Robert sail content and pay to the said Archibald, the soume of tuentic
foure hundreth merkis, at the termis following, that is to say, xv c merkis at the
completing of the said mariage, and foure hundreth merkis at the feist of Michael-
mes nixt followand the completing off the said mariage ; and the remanent five
hundreth merkis in compleit payment of the said haill soume, at the Fasterin's
evin nixt to follow the foirsaid feist of Michaelmes, but fraude or gile ; and in
cais the airis to be gottinbetuix the saidis Williame and Gelis happin to succeid,
be lyne or talze, to ony mair landis nor thame quhilkis the said Archibald hes
presentlie in heretable possessioun, in that cais the said Robert sail augment the
foirsaid soume gevin in name of tocliir, at the sycht and aduys of ane reuerend
fader in God, Dauid bischop of Ros and Schir George Douglas of Pettindroicht,
knycht, and failzeing of thame be deceis or absence, at the sycht and advys of tua
of the nerrest of the said Archibald and Robertis freyndis ; for the quhilk, the
said Archibald sail infeft the said Williame and Gelis and the langar levand of
thame, in coniunctfie, and the airis maill to be gottin betuix thame heritablie, in
al] and haill the landis and baronie of Kennay, witht the pendikulis and pertinentis
lyand within the schirefdome off Aberdene, togidder witht all and haill the landis
of Craigerne, gif the said Archibald may obtene the samin : And in cais thair beis
na airis maill gottin betuix the saidis Williame and Gelis bot femell, in that cais
the said Archibald sail content and pay to the said air femell, gif thair beis bot
ane, the soume of ane thousand merkis to hir mariage ; and gif thair beis ma, the
soume of ane thousand pundis to be equalie devydit amangis thame to thair
mariage : Attour, the saidis Williame and Gelis sail haif presentlie, at the com-
pleting of the said mariage, the half plenischeing, cornis, cattell and gudis, quhilkis
ar now instantlie thairvpoun, to be vsit and brukit be thame fra thyne furth as
thair proper gudis of fre gift of the said Archibald, and for fordir plenischeing
thairof to thame, the said Robert sail content and pay to thame the soume of thre
hundreth merkis immediatlie efter thair entre and dounsitting vpoun the saidis
landis : and forther, baith the saidis parties bindis and oblisis thame, thair airis,
executouris and assignais, to obserue, keip and fulfill this present contract and
euery poynt thairof, ilk ane for thair awin part to vtheris : and for mair sure
obseruing, keiping and fulfilling thairof, ar content and consentis that the samyn
be actit and registrat in the buikis of counsell, and decernit to haif the strenth of
ane decreit of the lordis thairof, and thair autorite to be interponit thairto, witht
executoriallis to pas thairvpoun in forme as efferis. In witnes of the quhilk thing,
batht the saidis parteis hes subscriuit this present contract witht thair handis,

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