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the lieutennandrie vnto the tyme thair be ane benifice gevin to him, the first that
vakis, extending to ane reward according to his gude seruice ; my lord gouer-
nour and lordis of counsale grantis, that my lord lieutennent sail haue the
first bishoprik or abay that salhappin to vaik within this realme, to be dis-
ponit to quhat persoun he pleisis. Sextlie, quhair it is desirit that all noblemen
and landit men within Louthiane, Tueddale, Teviotdaill, Merse and Lauderdaill,
sa mony as is nocht appountit witht Ingland, salcum befoir my lord gouer-
nour and counsale, and, be auise of the samyn, sail bind and obliss thame to
keip sic houshaldis as salbe appountit be the counsale, witht my lord lieuten-
nentis auise, efferand to thair levingis, and to be reddy witht the samyn, baytht
to defend and invaid oure ynnemeis, and gif thai disobey, and dois in the
contrair, thair movable gudis to be eschetit to the lieutennent, and thair bodyis
to be wardit and pvnist at his will ; and all vtheris within his Lieutennandrie,
dissobeyairis of his charge, gevin quhon neid is, to be pvnist in semblable maner.
As for the first part of this article, my lord gouernoure and lordis thinkis that
the baronis suld be convenit, and thair auise had anentis thair houshaldis, and as
to the remanent of the pounttis of the said article, my lord gouernour and
lordis ordanis his commissioun to be extendit to the samyn, and that ane half of
the eschetis to be applyit to the Quenis grace and my lord gouernouris vse, and
that vthair half to my lord lieutennent. Sevintlie, quhair that all lordis, barronis,
frehaldaris, and vtheris gentilmen landit within the boundis of his lieutennandrie,
sail gif thair aithis in presens of my lord gouernour and counsale to serue
trewlie my lord lieutennent to oure souerane lady the Quenis grace and my lord
Gouernour, and gif thay do in the contrair, to be haldin as committeris of cryme
of lese maieste, and to be pvnist according to the samyn. My lord gouernour and
lordis of counsale grantis powar to my lord lieutennent to ressaue the aithis of
the lordis, baronis and frehaldaris, as is contenit in the article, as he thinkis
expedient, and that his commissioun be extendit thairto, and to pvnis all dis-
obeyairis and that serais nocht treulie, as accordis of the law and vse of the realme.
Auchtlie, quhair it is desirit that my lord lieutennent may haue all strenthis
now in the Quenis grace, oure souerane ladiis handis, or ony vthair nobill mennis
handis, to ressaue him, and he to be maister of the samyn in siclike places as
concernis the defens of the realme, my lord Gouernour and lordis ordanis my
lord lieutennent to be ansuerit and obeyit as accordis. Nyntlie, that thair be
ane act maid, be auise of the counsale, that, nochtwithstanding ony exemptioun
gevin tyme bigane, outlier be act or lettrez. that all personis within the lieu-

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