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stand and considerit, and we, thairwitht beand riply auisit, havand God and gnde
conscience befoir E, thus we, the saidis four jugis, all in one voce, without ony
discrepance, and witht consent of baytht the saidis parteis decretis, counsalis and
ordanis, and, for finall sentence arbitrale, pronuncis in maner following : that is to
say, we haue quitclamit and dischargit, and be thir presentis quitclamis and dis-
chargis the said erle of Ergile, his airis, executouris and assignais, thair baillies
and officiaris, of all males, feirmes, proffittis, dewiteis and casualiteis of the foir-
saidis haiJl landis, mylne and barony of Abirnethy foirsaid, of all zeris and termes
bipast, sen the leding of the said forfaltour, vnto the day of the dait of thir
presentis, except the feirmes and vittalis now awand be the tennentis thairof, of
the crop in the zeir of God I m v° and xlij zeris, beand in thair handis vntane vp
be the said erle of Ergile, and als ordanis the said erle of Angus to gif to the
said erle of Ergyle ane sufficient assignatioun vnder his seill and handwrite heir-
upoun, in the best form that can be diuisit : Attour, we decreit and ordanis the
said erle of Angus to be curtess and gude to all the tennentis of the said barony
that are infeft thairintill be the said erle of Ergylis fader or him self, of quham
thai haue gottin proffit thairfor : and as anent the donatioun and gift of benefices
of the College kirk of Abirnethy maid and gevin be the said erle of Ergylis fader
or him self be resignatioun, deceis or ony vther wayis, to the possessouris now
thairof, we refer the decisioun of the rycht of the sarayn to the declaratioun of Schir
Adam Otterburn of Reidhall, knycht, maister James Fowlis of Colyntoun, maisteris
Hew Rig and Thomas Marioribankis, burgess of Edinburgh, gif the saidis pos-
sessouris suld browk the saidis benefices or nocht, be vertu of the saidis giftis of
the law : Attour, we reserue to the said erle of Ergile his actioun and clame that
he may haif aganis Johnne Tennent anent the soum of sex hundretht merkis
payit be him to the said Johnne for the mylne of Abirnethy, and ordanis, gif neid
be, the said erle of Angus to concur and assist to him for the persewing and
obtenyng of the samyn : Alswa, we ordane baytht the saidis parteis to tak vtheris
in amite and favouris, and do for vtheris in all thair honest and lefull actionis in
all tymes tocum ; and gif thair be variance or disorder in tymes bigane, or
salhappyn ony debait or discrepance to be betuix thame, thair kin, freindis, allya or
seruitouris in tymes tocum, and specialy the erle of Eglintoun, his nevo, thair kin,
freindis and seruandis, the samyn to be referrit to decisioun of four freindis to be
chosin equaly betuix thame thairupoun, swa that thai and all vtheris freindis on
baytht the sydis may be in equale kyndnes to that effect, that thai may all the mair
souirly and kyndly serue the quenis grace, my lord governour and commoun

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