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be fullely assitliit and compleitlie pait, but cauillatioun or langare delay : And
that the said Androw Blakater sail nocht sell, wedset, analie nor put away fra the
said Eobert his son, nor his aieris, na part of his landis nor heretage, quhilkis ar
now in his handis at the day of the makin of thir indentouris, be na maner of way
in tym to cum : And that all thir condicionis and appunctmentis abone vritin sail
lelely and treulie be obseruit, kepit and fulfillit, in forme and effect forsaid, as said
is, baytht the saidis parteis are bunding, oblist and suorne, ilk ane till vtheris, be
the faithtis and treuthis in thair bodeis, the haly ewangelis twechit : In witnes of
the quhilk thing, to the part of thir indentouris remanand with the said Andro
Blakater, the forsaid George maister of Angus has to affixit his sele, and sub-
scriuit the sammyn with his hand ; and to the part heirof remanand with the
said George maister of Angus, the said Andro Blakater has to affixit his seill with
the subscriptioun of his hand, at day, zere and place forsaid, befor thir witnes,
Archbald Dowglace brother to the said Georg, Adam Tunno of the Haycluch,
Alexander Reidpeth of Wyndschelis, and James Skeldyn of Gogare, with vtheris
diueris. Andro Blakatyr off that Ilk, etc.
179. Decree of Privy Council as to the Nonentry of Archibald, fifth
Earl of Angus, to the lands of Kirriemuir, etc. 28th June 1511.
Jacobus Dei gratia rex Scotorum, omnibus probis hominibus suis ad quos
presentes littere peruenerint, salutem : Sciatis nos quoddam actum siue decretum
per dominos nostri consilii inferius descriptos datum et promulgatum vtique
intellexisse sub hac forma : At Edinburgh, the xvii day of Junii the zere of God
i m , v° and ten zeris, the Lordis of Counsale vnderwrittin, that is to say, maist
reuerend and reuerend faderis in God, Alexander Archibischop of Sanctandrois
Commendatour of Dunfermgling and Coldinghame, chancellare, Dauid Bischop of
Galloway, etc., noble and mychty lordis, Archibald Erie of Ergile, Matho Erie of
Levenax, venerable faderis in God, Jhone Priour of Sanctandrois, George Abbot of
Abirbrotht, Thesaurare, Henry Abbot of Jedburgh, Robert Lord Erskin, Robert Lord
Creichtoun, Maister Gawane Dunbar, Archidene of Sanctandrois, Clerk of Registre,
William Scot of Balwery, Knycht, Robert Coluile of Vchiltre, anent the summondis
maid at the instance of our souerane Lord agane Archibald Erie of Angus, berand
him tennent to his Hienes of the landis and barony of Kerymure, with the pertinentis,
and the landis of Auchbetoun,Wallandage and Logy, Kynquhirre, Invertaro, Lochty,
and La wis of Estir Ethy of Ballingerroch, Auchlusy, Glaswell and Torbirnis, Eglis-

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