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151. Indenture betwixt Sir Robert Lundy of Balgony, Treasurer to the
King, and George Master of Angus, for keeping good order on the
Borders. 17th April U99.
Thir Indenturis, maid at Edinburgh the xvii day of Aprile, the zere of Gode
I m iiij° nynty and nyne zeris, proportis, contenis and beris witnes, that, for the gud
rewle to be had amangis our souerane Lordis liegis, duelland and remanand wythin
the boundis of Eskdale, Ewisdale and Wauchopdale, on the vest Bordouris, and
stanchinge of crimes and offensis to be committit be thame in tyme to cum, it is
appunctit and concordit betuix Robert Lundy of Balgony, knycht, Thesaurare to
oure souerane Lord, in his name and behalf, on the ta part, and George Mastyr of
Angus on the tuther part, in maner, forme and effect as eftir folowis ; that is to
say, that for samekle as the Kyngis Henes has grantit and gewin his fre remissione
and pardoun tyll all maner of personis duelland and remanand wythin the saidis
boundis of Eskdale, Ewisdale and "Wauchopdale, for all maner of actionis, trans-
gressiones, crimes and offensis committit and doune be thame or ony ane of thame
in ony tym bigane, on to the day of the date of the makyne of thir indenturis,
tressoune in our soueran lordis propir person except, heirfore the said George
Master of Angus sal content and pay to the said Robert Lundy of Balgony, in our
saide souerane Lordis name, the swme of a thousande pundes vsuale money of
Scotland, at thir termes vnderwritin ; that is to say, tuenty days next before the
Fest of ad uincula Sancti Petri, callit Lammes, immediate folowand the date of thir
indenturis, fywe hundreche merkis of the said swm ; and wythin xv dais next and
immediate folowand the said Fest of Lammes, vthir fiwe hundrethe of the said
money ; the quhilk swme of a thousand merkis being completlie pait at the termes
abonewritin, the said George Mastyr of Anguse to be dischargit of the said hayle
swme of a thousand pundis : and gif the saide George Mastir of Angus failzeis in
the payment of the said swme of a thousande merkis, or ony part tharof, at the
termes forsaid, than he sal pay the said hayle swme of a thousand pundis at the
said term of xv dais next efter the saide Fest of Lammes, as said is : and for the
stanching of crimes and trespassis of the personis duelland and remanand wythin
the boundis abwin expremit in tym to cum, the saide George Mastir of Anguse for
hym is becummyn and, be thir present indenturis, becumis lawborois for ilk
persone remanand and duelland wythin the said boundis of Eskdale, Ewisdale and
Wauchopdale, and bindis and oblisis him to entre thame and ilk ane of thame in
ilk Justice [Court] to be haldin at the burgh of Drumfreis, to vnderly the law for

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