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(318) Page 148 -
faderis in God, Robert archbischop of Glasgw, Williame, biscbop of Aberdene,
Andro bischop of Murray, noble and michtj lordis Archibald erle of Ergil,
Lord Campbel and Lorn, etc. ; Johnne lord Drummond, Laurence lord
Oliphant, venerable faderis in God, abbot of Paslete, Henry abbot of
Cambuskennethe, and Master Alexander Inglis, archidene of Sanctiandrois, in the
actioune and caus persewit be Elizabetht Auchinlek, the dochter and are of vmequhill
James Auchinlek and Gelis the Eos, spous to the said James, and be ane noble
and michtj lord, Archibald erle of Angus, etc., Chancelar of Scotland, tutour to
the said Elizabeth, on the ta parte, and Johnne Auchinlek of that Ilk, knycht, on
the tother parte, for the wrangwis postponyng and deferring to baue gevin in
coniimctfeftment to the said vmequhill James Auchinlek and Gelis the Eos, and
to the aris gottin betuix thaim, the landis of Eogertoun, witht the pertinentis,
and ten merkis wortht of land of aukl extente, lyand in the barony of Auchinlek,
within the schirefdome of Are, lik as the said Johnne Auchinlek wes bundin
thairto, be his lettres obligatouris, and to heir himself adiugiit and decernit be oure
souerane lord and his counsall to gif infeftment heretabilly of the saidis landis
to the said Elizabetht, as are gottin betuix the said vmequhill James and Gelis,
becaus he gaf nocht the samyn to thaim in thair liftym, howbeit the said Gelis
gave over and resignit to the said Jolmn the tuentj merkis worth of land quhilk scho
had be charter and sesing, Hand within the said barony of Auchinlek, as wes
allegijt, and als, anent the terme assignit to the said Johne Auchinlek of that Ilk,
knycht, to preif sufficiently that he gaf contentatioun to the saidis vmequhill James
Auchinlek and Gelis fore the saidis landis of Eogertoune, and tene merkis worth
of land of auld extent, Hand in the barrony of Auchinlek, witht thair pertinentis,
and that thai discharged the infefting of thaim and thair aris in the saidis landis
contenit in the said obligatioune, and defesit him thairof, as is contenit in the
decret and deliuerance past thairapone of befor : the said Archibald erle of Anguse
for himself, and as tutoure for the said Elizabethe and Master Johnne Auchinlek,
procuratour for the said schir Johnne, beand personali present, the richtis, resonis
and alligationis of baitht the saidis party's at lentht sene, hard and vnderstandin,
the lordis of counsall beand thairwith reppli auisit, and als, vnderstanding be laucb-
full documentis, producit be the said Archibald erle of Anguse, that the said xij
merkis wortht of the saidis landis of Eogertoune, with the pertinentis, wes lauch-
fully prisit to him be the schiref of Are for dete of the said schir Johnn be vertu
of the Act of Parliament, and he in possessioune thairof, decretis and deliueris
that the said schir Johne of Auchinlek of that Ilk, knycht, has done wrang in the

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