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his landis of Skelmorle in Cunyngame, and ratify the sammyn, eftir the said
matrimone be maid lauchfull, and caus new infeftment tharof be maid to her, gif
mystir be ; and forsamekle as thair is certane impedimentis betuix the saidis
Cuthbert and Marion, the said erle Archibald sail solyst, and caus be broucht
hame, ane sufficiand dispensacioun, secludand all impedimentis in all possebill hast,
and be his possebill deligence, and at the farrest withtin a zer next tocum ; of
the expens of the quhilk, the tane half salbe allowit to the said Cuthbert, be the
aithis of the solistouris and vther leill curticianis in part of payment of his toichir ;
for the quhilk matrimone to be contrakit, as said is, the said erle Archibald
oblisis him, his aieris, executouris and assignais, to content and pay to the said
Cuthbert, his aieris, executouris or assignayis, the sowme of sewyntene hundreth
merkis of vsuall mone of Scotland, as eftir folowis ; that is to say, incontinent at
the compleitting of the said mariage, thre hundreth merkis, and at the next terme
of Mertymes or Witsonday folowand the said mariage, fyfty pundis, and vther
fyfty pundis at the next terme of Witsonday or Mertymes thareftir folowand, and
swa furth, termly, at euere ilk terme of Witsonday and Mertymes, fyfty pundis,
quhill the compleit payment of the said sowme of sewyntene hundreth merkis be
maid ; and for the mair securite tharof, the said erle Archibald sail caus the said
Cuthbert hav infeftment heritabill, be charter and seissing, of ane hundreth pundis
worth of land in Dowglace zerly, vnder reuersioune, ay and quhill the said soume of
sewyntene hundreth merkis be payit termly, as said is ; and gef the said Cuthbert
dissenttis to the executioune of the said disspensatioune, removand the impedimentis,
and cumis nocht withtin xx dayis next eftir he be requiryt to do all neidfull thingis
and expedient for the gud of matrimone to stand perpetualy betuix thaim enduring
thair liffis, and the legitymacioune and lauchfull successioune of the aieris gottyn
and to be gottyn betuix thaim, and till offer him rady to stand and abyd in the
matrimone contrakit, gif the sammyn be optenyt and gottyne in the Court of Evm,
and gif it beis nocht optenit in sik forme, or that the said Cuthbert beis nocht
redy to the diuorce and contrak agane matrimone witht the said Marione eftir the
forme of the commissioune or dispensatioune that beis grantit thairto, the said
Cuthbert bindis and oblisis him, his aieris, executouris and assignais, in the sowme
of thre thoussand and sewyne hundrethe merkis of the vsuale mone of Scotland ; and
alsmekle toichir is happynnis to be pait of the said sovme, to be maid and payit to
the said Marione for hir costis, skaithis and dampnage sustenyt and to be sustenyt
be hir and hir successouris in fait of the consent of the said Cuthbert to the legiti-
matioune of the said matrimone and successioune ; and thairfor sail mak infeft-

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