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rais, payand thairfor, quhen thai sail wayk, sic malis as he payt to the said ladis,
and at ilk thre zere sail gif in gersum a yheris male. Alsa, the said Robert the
Grahame sail mak to the said Robert or Dauid quha sail happin to complete
the maryage witht Elysabeth Douglas, Margarete, or ony ane of the said sistris,
twenty pundis worth of land in iuntfeftment, lyand within the schirafdome of
Forfare, or of Striuelin, and the frank tenement of ten merkis worth thairof to
reman witht the forsaid Robert the Grahame, for his tyme, to be haldin of the
said Robert in blanch ferme. Atoure, the said Robert, and his ayris forsaid, sail
hafe the office of bakery and justicyary of all and sindry the said lorde erlis
landis of his regalyte of Angus for the termys of the said xv yheris, be his lettres
according thairto vnder his sele. And gif the mariag falis to be completyd
betuix the said partyis, as God forbeid, the said Robert the Grahame, his ayris or
assignais, sail gif ouer and resigne vnto the said lord erle and his ayris the landis
of Inchbrathy, Inchmylne, Glenhowyk, Balnaboth, Daldawoo, Petcaredy, and the
mylne of Kerymure, witht thair pertinentis ; of the quhilk, the said Robert has
charter and sesing and posessioun. Alsa, the said Robert bindis and oblisis him
that he sail gif quiteclamys yherly and termely vnto the said lorde erle of all
somys of malis ressauit by him of the xx merkis worth of landis forsaid ; and
in lyke wise, gif the said lorde erle pais to the said Robert, or to his ayris,
sowmys of money, or assignys tyll him wardis or relefis in payment of the some
of iiii c merkis, of the quhilkis the said Robert or his ayris beis plesit and content
of, the saide Robert or his ayris sail gif quiteclamys to the said lorde erle, and
to his ayris, of tha somys eftyr, as his ressate proportis : and at all thir condicyonis
abufe writin, lelely for to be obseruit and kepit, ather partis tyll vtheris has
gevin bodely ath, the Evangelis tuchit, and entyrchangably set to thair selis, day,
zer, and place abufe writtin, befor thir wittnes, schir Johne of Maxwell of Maldsly,
knycht, Dauid Ogilby of that Ilk, Johne of Muncreffe of that Ilk, Master Hew
Douglas, schir Johne Frasere, provest of Abirnethy, Master Wilzam Douglas, pre-
bendar in the Collage of Abirnethy, schir Henry Barry, persoun of Cullace, and
Dauid Wederburne, witht diuers vtheris.
Robert the Grahame of Fyntre. / (^J /

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