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Scrimgeour, constable of Dunde, on the tapart, and Robert the Grahame of Fyntree,
on the tother part, in fourm, maner, and effect as efter folowis : that is to say, that
nouchtwithstanding that the said James Scrimgeour has giffin sesing and here-
table state, be charter and possession, to the said Robert the Grahame, of certane
pecis of landis Hand in the Kirktoune of Erlis Stradichty, on the watter syde of
Dichty, within the regalite of Kyrimor and the scherefdom of Forfar, extendand
to the Reede huche, as the stanys ar set and markit ; neuertheles, the saidis
partijs ar fulleli acordit for tham and thar ayris, that the land Hand fra the
Reede huche to the myl of Troto on the north syd of the watter of Dichty, per-
tenand to the said James Scrimgeour, sel remane witht the said Robert the
Graham, and hys ayris and successours in fe and heretage : And richt swa, the
landis Hand fra the said Reede huche to the myl of Troto on the south syd of the
said watter of Dichty sel remane in fe and heretage with the said James Scrim-
geour, and his ayris and successours for euer : And gif it sel happin the said
James Scrimgeour, hys ayris or successours, to byg or gar byg a myl on the said
watter of Dichty, the said Robert the Graham and hys ayris and successours, but
obstacul, questioun, or demavnd, sel gif fre licence to him or tham to stank atour
the said watter of Dichty, quhar it sel be sene maist speidful to the said James
Scrimgeour, hys ayris or successours : And at al thir condicionis abeuf writin be
lelili and treuli, but fraud or gyle, obseruit and kepit, ather of the partijs, thar
handis vphaldand, has giffin til vther thar bodely ath ; and interchangeably has
appensit thar seelis to thir indenture, day, zer, and place befor writin, befor thir
witness, Jak Scrimgeour, James Maitlande, Alexander of Gardyne, John Dauyson,
and schir Alishander Forfar, preist and notar public, witht vther sindri.
101. Resignation by William Douglas of Cluny, in favour of Archibald,
fifth Earl of Angus, of the ward of the lands of Temptaloun, and
of the earldom of Douglas. 26th June 1470.
In Dei nomine amen : Per hoc presens publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat
euidenter quod anno ab incarnacione eiusdem Domini millesimo quadringentesimo
septuagesimo, die uero mensis Junii vicesimo sexto, indiccione tercia, pontificatus
sanctissimi in Christo patris ac domini nostri, domini Pauli diuina prouidencia
pape secundi anno sexto, in mei notarii publici et testium subscriptorum presencia
personaliter constitutus nobilis vir, Wilelmus Douglas de Cluny, accessit ad pre-
senciam supremi domini nostri regis, et ad eius genua prouolutus, in manibus

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