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his fadre, be the prouisioim of God, to decess befor him, that he sail frely, without
obstacle or againestanding quhatsumeuer, deliuer the said Castell of the Hermitage
to the said lord erle or his airis, at his or thair commandement, without delay,
all fraude, gile, and desate away put ; and gif it hapin the said William to decess
befor the said schir Archibald, his fadre, the said schir Archibald byndis him and his
airis, his landis and gudis, that efter his decess the said Castell sail frely be deliuerit
to the said lord erle or his airis, in maner abufe writin. Item, the saidis schir
Archibald and William ar becummyn men, and, be thir lettres, becummys men of
speciale retinew to the said Lord Erie and his airis, for all the tyme forsaid, and
byndis thaim junctly and seuerally to be witht him and thaim, bath in were and
in pese, befor and againe all that lefe or de may, for all the tyme of the said schir
Archibaldis lif, thair allegians to our souerane Lord the King, allanerly outane,
and to gif him lele and trew consell in all his materis, als oft as thai be requirit;
and the saidis lord erle byndis him and his airis to supple, maynetene, and defende
the said schir Archibald and Williame, his sone, in all thair richtewise causis and
querellis, lik as a lord aucht to supple and defende his cousingis and men, enduring
the tyme forsaid : and that all and sindry the forsaidis thingis be lelily [and trewly]
kepit and fulfillit, but fraude and gile, as said is, ilkane of the saidis partis ar
oblist till vtheris, and be thir endenturis oblisis thaim, and be the faith of thair
bodiis. In the witnes of the quhilk thing, to the partis of thir endenturis the
said lord erle, the saidis schir Archibald e and Williame, his sone, has interchange-
ably set the selis of thair armys, daye, yhere, and place forsaidis.
83. Charter by King James the Second, granting to George, fourth
Earl of Angus, the Castle of Temptaloune, etc. 30th June 1452.
Jacobus Dei gracia Rex Scotorum, omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue,
clericis et laicis, salutem : Sciatis nos dedisse, concessisse, et hac presenti carta
nostra confirmasse carissimo consanguineo nostro, Georgeo comiti Angusie, Gar-
diano Orientalium Marchiarum regni nostri versus Angliam, pro zelo et singulari
fauore quern gerimus erga dictum Georgeum, et pro suis gratuitis seruiciis nobis
inrpensis et impendendis, castrum nostrum de Temptaloune ac terras dicto castro
pertinentes ; et totas et integras terras de Castiltoune, Bondingtoune, Famyltoun,
et terras nuncupatas Halfpleuland, cum vniuersis earundem pertinenciis ; ac omnes
alias terras nobis pertinentes, jacentes prope dictum castrum nostrum de Tempta-
loune, cum vniuersis tenandiis, tenandriis, et liberetenencium seruiciis dictarum

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